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Taekook and other students and teachers are going on a study tour... They're going to stay there for 1 whole week~
(I want this type of study tour too😣)

The night before their study tour-

Jungkook slept late at night... Its not like he wanted to or something... He went to bed early....but how can someone sleep early when they have a whole damn ass Cation in their mind.... Forget about the whole damn ass cation.. Just his veins can drive Jungkook crazy... His mother's sure gonna send him to mental hospital if she know about this-

So because he had slept late... He had waked up late too...

Thats why he was in so much hurry that he completely forget to take his Jacket or any kind of winter clothes...

Well it wasnt too cold but they are going towards the hill area... So the teacher had previously warned that each and every student have to take Jackets or winter clothes...

When they were going Jungkook's friend.. Jimin and others has noticed Jungkook didnt bring any types of winter cloth... But when they asked him he need one or not...he answered
He doesnt need one but the wind coming from the outside of the window of their bus is very cold...but refreshing ...

Jungkook liked this air so much that he didnt close the window despite being cold and has fallen asleep shivering...

Others in the bus were in their own world so they didnt notice-

And that certain cation..was afraid to look at the younger after he realized his feelings... Cause he might start to fall for the younger deeper... which he cant afford... Well first of all he knew Jungkook just have a crush on him as a teenager but no serious feelings... and secondly Jungkook's his student for fuck's sake...If only gay relationship is a  vice than a gay relationship between teacher and student is ultra vice... Thirdly no one's gonna except them... The school community might even took away his job...which he cant lose because he needs money for his mother's treatment.. His mother's a patient of cancer.. So he needs a lot of money right now... Though he has his brother Namjoon,  who's a English professor of the same place where Tae's working  to help him..still he needs this Job very much and there's chance they might even give Jungkook T.C...

But if the cation has looked at his anion he could have noticed that his anion is sleeping while shivering...

They reached their destination at the evening..... And Jungkook woke up 30 minutes before reaching their destination... After waking up the first thing he noticed was headache... He also have a runny nose..., he's feeling a bit weak.. And also his whole body's aching....

When the bus arrived their destination and Jungkook was coming out from the bus...But he was feeling too much dizzy and suddenly his whole world black out...

And his cation was in charge of seeing is every student coming out of the bus safely or not...

So as Jungkook's whole world blacks out he falls in the arms of his cation~

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