James Potter

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Warning: none
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
Era- Marauders Era
Year- sixth year

"Potter how many times do I have to say?" You asked incredulously. He had his famous smirk on his face, making butterflies fly in your stomach.
"I don't know love, when will you say yes?" He retorts smoothly. You roll your eyes with a laugh, shaking your head and looking to the ground.
"No, James. And by 'no' I mean no." You say. "You're not allowed to prank Slughorn again."
"I mean, you could do it." He slyly suggests. You sigh, biting your bottom lip and looking towards the concrete ground.
"Fine, but no more asking about it." You order. He nods before running away.
"I did it Paddy, she said yes!" He was gleefully running for a bit before he tripped and fell. You doubled over in laughter, wiping a loose tear away from your right eye.
In the distance, you say him stand up and pout at you. You waved him away before walking the opposite way.
You already had an idea in mind.

The next day

"So love, what do you have planned for old Sluggy?" James asks as he sits beside you in the great hall, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You blush and look away embarrassedly. You weren't supposed to be liking your best friend. Plus, he likes Lily.
"That's for me to know and you to find out." You say, trying to spare yourself the embarrassment.
"Why are your cheeks red?" He asks suddenly. You feel your heart rate speed up, and your palms start to sweat.
"It-its just really hot today." That was wrong. It was the middle of January and it was freezing.
"Suuuure." He dragged out, but it looked like he thought of it no longer.
"Well, you'll see what I'm planning tomorrow, when I put the plan in action." You say, hoping to stray the conversation.
"I'll be waiting." He said simply, walking towards the Marauders who say quite a few seats away from you.

The next day

"This is awesome Y/N!" James shouted.
Your prank was to make everything and everyone in the Great Hall to start floating and flying around in the air.
You smirked to yourself when you saw Dumbledore giggling to himself he flew around in circles. You began laughing when you noticed McGonagall trying to float herself towards you.
"Y/L/N! Detention! For a month!" Despite the punishment, you knew in the end it was worth it.

Yes crappy chapter I know.

How was ur Christmas? Mine was pretty good.
On another hand, I got hurt real badly.
My dad was towing me and a friend behind our side by side on a sled, and I fell off onto like quad ice tracks (tried to explain it the best I could). And now my elbow is displaying how many pretty colours it can have. It's currently purple, blue, light pink and black. So yeah. And yes it hurts so much.

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