James Potter (M.E.)

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"James!" You shouted excitedly as you entered the common room. You had been dating the infamous James Potter for a couple years now, and you're safe to say you think he's your soulmate.
You're both in Gryffindor house, seventh year and love Quidditch. You decided you want to continue in a career involving Quidditch, while James chose to be an Auror.
"Ya, love?" He asked, pecking your cheek as you sat down beside him.
"I got a letter today. It's from the captain of the Holyhead Harpies." You exclaimed.
"Well, did you get Chaser?" He asks, being serious because he knows how much you want this.
After school you were to be Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies. You were so excited you could barely contain your weird grin that James thought would break your face.

Two years later

Your were nineteen now, and still going strong with James Potter. You were to be married in a few weeks, and you were both so excited.
Last year though, your parents had passed away, and had left you everything they had. All their wealth, their manor, their family name. They also left you a letter, explaining that they were expecting you to continue the line of the Y/L/N family.
When you joined the Holyhead Harpies, you were so happy because they were so welcoming and they helped you learn the ropes of professional Quidditch.
You and the team won many of your games. You also learned that because of your quick skills, you had been chosen to be a chaser for the British Quidditch team for the Quidditch World Cup.
You and James were ecstatic when you got the letter, but disappointed your team got second to Russia.

One year later

You were pregnant. This can't be. You felt your palms sweat and your heart race.
You couldn't be pregnant. It was the start of Quidditch season and you would be so upset because 'women can't play when their pregnant'.
You breathed out sharply before walking downtown the stairs of you and James' quaint house in Godrics Hollow.
"James?" You asked as you walked into the living room.
"Yes love?" He asked, looking up at you. You sat down beside him and clutched his hand tightly. You felt him squeeze your hand and smiled slightly.
"Promise you won't get mad?" You asked, your voice raising its octave as you got more nervous.
"Pinkie promise." He grinned. You rolled your eyes with a small laugh.
"I'm pregnant." You murmur. You slightly hoped he wouldn't hear you, but he did.
"You- we're pregnant? You mean I'm gonna be a dad and your gonna be a Mom?" He asks. You roll yours eyes with a shake of your head.
"I believe that's how it works, Jamie." You say with a smile.

I hate my writing so much in this chapter.


It's terrible.

Next imagine will be for.......

Siri Black

Sirius Black.
I meant Sirius

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