Cedric Diggory part 2 (requested)

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Requested by @Arianastroy
do a part 2
and it's Cedric's POV about it
So this chapter is for you❣️

Your house: Hufflepuff
Year set in: Seventh year, but following the book timeline (Harry's year), fourth year.
Y/N = your name
Y/L/N = your last name
Y/E/C = your eye colour


Cedric's POV
I sat beside Y/N, clutching her hand tightly. I dearly hoped she wouldn't be chosen, as for all I know she could get hurt, or worse, killed. I watched silently, my heart beating dutifully against my chest, as Dumbledore walked towards the goblet. My palms started to sweat, and my legs start to jitter in nerves. If one of us had to die, I'll sacrifice myself.
"And the Hogwarts champion is.... Y/N Y/L/N." He announced. I felt my heart leave my chest, the breath sucked out of my lungs, my mind stop and chill of worry working it's way into my bones. I glanced at my beautiful girlfriend. She was pale, and nervous. I smiled weakly to encourage her. But she had a great chance. She was so intelligent and witty, I knew she had to make it.
I watched worriedly as she walked towards Dumbledore. I heard all the Hogwarts students hooting and hollering, but I drowned it out, and focused solely on her.
The only thought running through my mind was; she could die. The thoughts merciless in stopping. I tried to steady my breath, breathing in and out shakily. I see Y/N glance back at me, and I try to remain supportive, so I smile at her and start to cheer. Y/N smiles back and waves to the crowd of celebrators.
I knew it was a facade. The smile didn't match the gleam in her eyes, how she carried herself, and her body features.

Time skip
Cedric's POV

It had been almost a day since I had seen Y/N. I was getting quite worried. I wanted to talk about the tournament with her. I sighed to myself before running a hand through my hair, before returning to my dorm room. I had just finished lunch, having failed my task of avoiding my friends.
I brought out a book, wondering if it could take my mind off of her.
"She's fine, you're just being a worrywart." I spoke to myself under my breath. My eyes scanned the page, but my mind was unable to focus on the words. I sighed to myself.
I was interrupted by a knock at my door. If this isn't Y/N...... I thought angrily. I opened the door with a slightly annoyed expression. I looked down slightly and saw Y/N standing there, looking paler than usual.
"Hey Ced, can we talk?" She asked, her voice rising weirdly.
"Um, ya sure." That's all you got? My subconsciousness asks. I take her hand and guide her to my bed, sitting down after she settles herself on it.
"Um I just wanted to talk about the tournament." Y/N starts, looking down at the quilt and beginning to trace lines and shapes. I smile encouragingly, and start to say something.
"At first, I knew you had a good chance at the tournament. But then my mind jumped to 'over-protective boyfriend' mode,"I said, putting quotation marks on 'over-protective boyfriend', finishing with a small chuckle. "But I know you'll win with just a single scratch. Nothing will ever kill you."

Time Skip
Cedric's POV

I take her cold body into my arms, warm tears gliding down my cheeks like a furious waterfall. I feel sobs overtake my body, and overwhelming emotions filling my mind. All I knew was that I failed her. I couldn't protect her.
I didn't understand all the yelling that was going on around me, I couldn't. Not with her body in my shaking arms. Her Y/E/C eyes open and wide, without the usual sparkle and gleam in them. They're just dull. Her skin is so unusually pale. Her mouth is opened like a small slit, like the just breathed in small breath of air before death. These thoughts swarmed my mind, making my heart clench and my eyes sore.
My heart hurts right now. It feels like it broke into a million little pieces, but it didn't wound me physically, it wounded me emotionally.
Y/N, the girl I loved, the girl I planned on spending the rest of my life with, gone. Dead. Irreplaceable. Not here. Not in my arms, celebrating after grabbing the cup. No, laying in my arms dead. Far from what I wanted.
I felt arms wrap around me, feeling the familiar feel of my fathers arms. I ignored his touch. I couldn't accept her death. And I never will.
"My boy, there's nothing you can do." He spoke. I know he adored Y/N ever since he met her more than two years ago. I barely took a glance at him. He was studying my face, tears also finding their way down his face.
I buried my face into his shoulder, like a child seeking their fathers warmth after having a nightmare.
If this is a nightmare, someone please wake me up.

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