James Potter

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A/N : James again because the random number generator chose him 🤷🏻‍♀️
Year: sixth year
Summary: James saves reader from their abusive mother

"Hurry up!" Y/N heard her 'mother' snap at her. You sighed and nodded glumly.
"Yes mother." You answered obediently. You were always an out-going, hot headed around your friends, but your mother had beat you senseless the time you had snapped back at her. So you quickly learned it was better to hold your tongue.
Today was the day you lived the most. The day you left for a new year at Hogwarts. The day you got to see your friends again. You never went home for the holidays. The heavily lived holidays.
Your mother always said that if people truly liked someone, the person would know that and that nobody should get anyone gifts. She thought they were irrelevant. So she discarded anything that looked like a gift the moment her daughter entered the house.
You trailed behind your mother lazily, hoping desperately she would just give up and let you go to the train on your own. But you knew deep down she would rather do anything other than give her daughter any alone time.
"Keep up!" You heard your mother snap as the two of you weaved through the 'human jam' at Platform 9 3/4. You let out a barely audible sigh and quickened your pace.
"It's only for a few more minutes y/n, then you won't have to see her til summer." You thought to yourself. You continued thinking about how you would be free, until you felt something latch onto your arm.
You glanced down with a surprised expression and saw a pale, black nailed finger hand clutching onto your arm, and digging their nails into you arm. You winced slightly from the nails, and you didn't notice someone had realized you had winced. That someone was not your mother.
You hurried you pace more, hoping that maybe if you walked faster, she wouldn't have a tight hold on your arm.
"Excuse me." You heard a male voice speak. You turned to look at the voice, and saw it one 1/4 of the Marauders. You two weren't friends, and only spoke once when he needed you to make a potion so he could prank Severus.
Your mother turned to look at James, her horrid face contorting into a ugly smile and her eyes crinkling. You mentally rolled your eyes at her.
"What would you like dearie?" Your mother asked.
"Well, I don't know about you but I think you're hurting her." He spoke again. You weren't sure if you heard it properly, but it sounded like he was getting protective over you.
"Pardon?" Your mother asked, feigning being appalled at the 'accusation'.
"Well, when you grabbed onto her arms he winced. And from the rising over sleeve, I can see bruises, which can't have come from anything but you." He spoke quickly with a hint of fierceness. You gave a hint of a smile, but then got confused. How would he know anything about abuse? You knew Euphemia and Charlus Potter, and they were the kindest souls ever.
You felt your mother lighten her grasp on your arm, and you suppose James noticed as well because he grabbed your arm and ran away with you. He let go of your arm quickly though, thinking that it would probably be sore.
"Thank you." You said as you two stepped into the train with a hurry in your step.
"No problem, James, James Potter." He winked. You laughed with a shake of your head.
"Y/N, Y/L/N."

YES ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I LAST UPDATED, but ur gonna have to deal with it alright?
Not to sound like a baby or anything but, I've been having friend issues and it's just gotten me very stressed and that led to not much motivation to write.
Anyway, hope you like this update

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