George Weasley

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You smiled as one half of the Weasley twins ran up to you.
"Hey Georgie." You greeted with a smile.
"Mornin' Love." He says. "Did you finish your homework?" You stop walking, and narrow your eyes at him.
"George, you have a tell. What do you need to tell me?" You ask.
"Me and Fred are leaving." He says after a moment. "The school."
"Oh?" You ask, feeling a bubble rise in your throat. "And how does Molly feel about this?" You feel your voice grow weaker as you continued talking.
"Well, she doesn't know yet." He answered.
"Huh." You answer, but not as a question.. just 'huh'.
"Well can I come with?" You ask shakily. Your best friends were leaving, and you couldn't take it.
"No, you still have to take your N.E.W.T.'s. and plus you're still in year six." He says immediately.
"Well alright then."

Yes this is too short. And I particularly hate this imagine so much.
Do y'all have any requests/ideas hiding up ur sleeves? If so just comment.
My ideas are running out.

Next one will be for Serious Black
Sirius Black

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