Ch. 1 Lab Rat

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Thank you and enjoy!


(UPDATED 12/31/21 THIS STORY IS SUPPOSED TO BE CRINGEY, STUPID, AND COMICAL TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT... From here on out, this story is DONE. Fully edited and I don't really care how yall view it. This story was never to be taken seriously in the first place lol ... but enjoy!)

*~*Lab Rat*~*

Day One

Shifting between reality and dreaming. My breath hitched. I couldn't move my arms, yet my wrist was throbbing with a pinching pain.

I'm handcuffed...?

My eyes were half-lidded. I felt sluggish and drained. I could barely breathe as it is. Attempting to lift my head, I scanned the room as much as I could. I sat on a cold floor. My hands were handcuffed, arms hung above my head. The room reeked of alcohol mixed with cigarettes.

Disgusting (¬_¬)

The smell in the room made me nauseous.

Who lives like this...?

My ears reacted to an annoyance. Ahead of me, across the room a faucet leaked, tiny droplets escaped every 5 seconds. Looking to the left was a bed, a dent made it clear someone stayed there. My head turned out of curiosity. Looking the other way disgusted me even more. Needles, cigarettes, vials including substance in them, and dirty clothes making their own home in a spacious corner.

Such a small, secluded room, yet so... raggedy.

Looking around more, I noticed a vanity. Simple and untouched. Charcoal black with a blue lining. Had the basics on it. Basic hygiene products, hair products, and even some actual clean clothes.

My arms grew sore, still in a minor panic, I tried to stay calm. I leaned my head against the wall and took a deep breath in. I sighed. I still felt drained. My head started to fog up. My eyes rolled back into my head. I slowly drifted back to unconsciousness.

Soon enough my eyes shot wide open. Hearing voices, my eyes aimed at the door. My heart sank as I witnessed the doorknob turn. I started to quiver. I did not know what to expect. The door opened about a foot.

"I'll see ya around Toga, I'm going to bed. Tell Shigaraki the mission was completed"

A raspy voice escaped the man's mouth. Body halfway through the door, his eyes darted to me. Turquoise, so pretty but they held a mystery story, one step in, and you can get lost in the chapters.

"Mmmkay! Bye-bye! Nighty night!" I heard a girl whine while her voice fades.

Fully coming into the room, he shut the door, locking 3 locks I raised a brow. He paid no mind to me. He walked towards a door far in the back of the room, which I assumed to be a bathroom. I was right. He closed the door; hearing what sounds like a shower start.

From when he walked into when he shut the door to the bathroom. I did not stop looking. He was tall, pale, and slim, somewhat lanky build, maybe in his early 20s is what I'm guessing. He had longish black hair that spikes upward around his head, hanging low over his eyes, which are thin, turquoise in color, and heavily lidded.

His most striking features were undoubtedly the patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin that cover much of his lower face and neck, all the way down past his collarbone, below his eyes, and on his arms and legs. Being attached to the rest of his skin by multiple, crude surgical staples, with the accessory of hooped piercings, I couldn't tell if the scars were accidental or self-inflicted.

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