Ch. 12 I'm Ready

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*~*I'm Ready*~*

Day eight


As a kid, I never really questioned the dynamic of my own family. However, it did linger in the back of my head. Usually, the stereotypical dynamic of a family comprises a mother, father, child, and maybe a pet. But for me, It was just my dad and me, in a plain apartment in Hosu.

One time when I was 6, my dad woke me up. I remember looking at the clock first then looking at him puzzled. It was 2:43 in the morning. He handed me my coat and told me to put my shoes on. I didn't question it at first. I got ready and we got into the car and just drove off. I fell asleep for the ride but soon I awoke.

Dad picked me up, getting me out of the car. I stood standing and rubbed my eyes to wake up a little more but then something happened. My whole body shut down. I couldn't see anything but grey and white. Like I was on a static TV, but the static was calmer. I saw a blue silhouette though.

"Y/N you fully up?"

I started to cry. I didn't know what was going on. I heard him but I didn't see him.

"D-Dad... I-I ... Where are y-you..."

Sensing a hand on my shoulder, my head turned, seeing the blue shadow right by me. It kneeled to my eye level. Still crying I shook my head.

"Y/N look up"

My head shook back and forth, the blue figure held my face straight.

This feeling... Dad...?

"Y/N... your eyes they are-"

With my dad in mid-sentence. My heart dropped, feeling this wild sensation. In my mind, I saw a purple and yellow silhouette that was behind me. Without a second thought, I stopped crying. Turning around, my eyes went back to normal. My tears were all gone, and a smile grew.

"Momma!!" I shouted running towards her.

"Y/N! baby look at you! Getting taller!" She snatched me, spinning me around.

"Momma! Look what I can do!"

Showing my hands, my nails grew into claws.

"Oh look at you!"

"Yeah, looks like she got your quirk. It happened last month." My dad laughed.

He walked up to us, pulling us in for a huge hug.

"But I think She is developing a second quirk"

"Oh? My big girl is going to be strong! Look at you, getting two quirks!" my mom cheered on.

We all hugged and talked. I didn't keep track of time back then. It was all so blissful. My mom cupped my cheeks. Seeing her face always made me feel 10 times better.

We always met my mom at weird times. Dad always said she was busy with her job. Her job was something that always involved travel. Again, I didn't question it because I was just a kid. I saw my mom maybe once every 2 weeks. It didn't matter how or when, I was just happy I got to see my mother.

"Y/N I love you, and so does your father. And when you're old enough. You'll understand my job"

She winked at me waving goodbye. My dad put me back in the car so my mom and he can have an "adult conversation "

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