Ch. 17 Change in plans

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*~*Change Of Plans*~*

Day Sixteen

"Come here and be a good girl"

Breathing became heavier and faster. Imprints on my skin, tagged, marked, and owned.

Engulfing in sweet sinful pleasure


With my eyelid twitching, I started to wake up. I stayed still, trying to remember but it came piece by piece. My body felt hot, temperature-wise. A headache was making my way too.

Body still, my eyes remained closed. My hands roamed on their own. Feeling something tough. I realize I wasn't in the same spot that I was in before I slept. My eyes shot open, staying still; I looked up and down slowly. Dabi's face inches away, still out cold.

I instantly became flustered.

His body laid out, him on his back. One leg is straight while the other is bent out. One arm was holding his head. The other arm was wrapped around across my upper back. Not really holding on to me, but still secured. My head was on his chest. Half of my body was basically twisted with his. My arm was under me, while the other laid across his chest. My legs lay between his.

How the hell...

My heart started to beat a little faster. My face got warmed up, but I held my composure.

I scooted back slowly and his arm flopped by his side. He didn't wake up, thank god. He just shook his head to a comfortable position. Slowly crawling backward, I stepped out of bed without being noticed. I stood there and stared hard at him.

Did I dream about him? How the hell did I end up intertwined with him?

Shaking my head to refocus, I started to walk towards the bathroom.

I'm just going to brush my teeth and get ready...

Frantically walking to the bathroom, I almost tripped. Going through the door, I closed it quietly. Taking a deep breath in, I continued with my regular routine. I ran the water to a warm temperature, running the brush through, I put the toothpaste on, running it through the water once more. I brushed my teeth, staring at myself in the mirror just thinking.

How did I even end up like that? I'm a light sleeper, so I should have felt him holding But it's not like it was just me. His arm was wrapped around me. It seemed like it was just... normal. Ugh, that asshole. Talking down on me, then belittling me. I better get my answer this morning as he said.

Without taking notice, I see the door cracked from the corner of my eye. Before my mind could register anything, a voice crept my way.

"You know, you could have stayed in the bed a little more. It was nice feeling you on top of me"

Choking on the toothbrush, I coughed up the paste. Spitting it out, I washed out my mouth. His comment shocked me. Scaring me for a second but only because it was out of nowhere.

"Don't say things like that" I say looking over at Dabi.

He was leaning on the door frame; his thumbs were inside his pajama pants. His pants were hung right on his waistline. So much so, my eyes started to look down.

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