CH. 21 The Outing Pt. 2

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*~*The Outing Pt. 2*~*

Draining the tub, I rinsed all the bubbles down the drain. Letting my body air dry, I went to go and do my hair. Nothing fancy really, I decided to just brush it out, letting it flow by itself. Dabi did say villains hide. So, I guess it was a good idea that I grabbed what I grabbed.

After I brushed out my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror. Not satisfied with my look, I decided to put my hair up. To my surprise, I looked cute. As for my outfit. I still look cute.

A pair of black leggings that flattered the curve in my hips. They were cute, at the bottom was transparent with black hearts. The top was just a plain black V neck with a small pocket on the top left.

Basic as fuck...

Leaving the bathroom, I looked around.

Is he really waiting for me at the bar?

Thanks to twice and Mr. Compress, I have a few regular products like body spray and deodorant. Even lotion. However, I felt naked not having anything to accessorize with the outfit. Looking through the drawers, I found a bracelet. Kind of...

It was a leather cuff with tiny studs poking around it.

Heh... edgy is his style, I guess.

Feeling myself in the mirror, I threw two thumbs up. Feeling cute, I grabbed the nearest jacket I could find. Simple jean jacket with regular clothed sleeves and hoodie attached.

Slipping on the vans he gave me. I rushed out of the room. Stopping mid-track, I looked back.

Is this even real...?

Walking back, I closed the door, forgetting to close it at first. Locking it out of habit, I continued down the hallway.

"Errr... Where the hell? Dammit, Dabi!"

"Are you lost, mademoiselle?"

Looking behind me, I saw Mr. Compress.

"Oh uh.." twiddling my fingers, I felt awkward.

"Who or what are you looking for?"

"Um... the bar... Dabi said to meet him there"

"Follow me, my dear, I shall show you the way!"

"Oh... thank you..."

"My pleasure! A pretty lady like you shouldn't be lost or left behind"

Why is he so... formal...?

Following Mr. Compress through the hallway, we make it to a door. It was a short walk, however, there were many stairs. Opening the door, I was welcomed by the pretty lights from the bar.

"Here you go M'lady" crossing his legs together, he bowed. Welcoming me into the bar.

"Thanks, Mr. Compress," I say walking past him, patting his head.

Spotting Dabi across the bar, I walked up to him. Tapping him on the shoulder, he looked back.

With an anxious smile, I waved. – "I'm ready"

"Kurogiri!" Dabi hollered.

In front of us, a warped gate appeared.

"The gate is ready Sir Dabi"

Dabi x Reader (A Heated Kidnapping)Where stories live. Discover now