Ch. 44 Party on Elm Pt. 3

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*~*Party on Elm. Pt. 3*~*

After we sat down with Kai and Hari, I can already feel the tension rising between everyone.

"Hey, can I get you guys anything" The lady working tables spoke. Beautiful yes, but her face was covered with a mask. Her eyes are gorgeous though; ruby-red. Even for me, it was hard to look away.

We all ordered some refreshers. Kai went out of his way and gave her a tip first hand. She walked away with her cheekbones high. Squinting my eyes, I watched her walk away.

"She's just doing her job" Kai mentioned.

"She rubs me the wrong way, call it a girls intuition" I rolled my eyes

Looking up at Kai, his eyes trailed down.

"Heh, he has good taste" Kai mumbled

Knowing Kai; I knew he wasn't talking about Touya and me, but the mark Touya left. Feeling embarrassed I sunk in my seat.

Shortly after some time, we received our drinks and we ordered food. Enjoying the time, the music wasn't too bad. My mood was slowly shrinking. Sensing that table girl shifting through corners. Both Kai and I shoved our drinks to the side, while Hari and Touya drank theirs.

She's giving me a bad feeling...

"Hey, before I forget Kai and I are going outside to talk" I whispered into Touya's ear.

Feeling his hand on my leg, I felt some heat from his fingertips.

"It's business only, I promise"

Getting up from my seat, I gave Kai the look and he got up as well. Both walking towards the back door he spoke.

"You sure it's okay to leave them both there by themselves?"

Looking back at them, it's like there was a storm brewing between.

"Eh, the worst that can happen is this place goes down in flames," I say shrugging my shoulders.

Leaving through a back door. We mysteriously walked onto a balcony. In a slight panic, I looked back at Kai.

"Smokey's quirk allows him to make anything that passes through his smoke land in a different place every time. Every door in this place has a thin layer of smoke"


"So, tell me, how is it dating him?"

Leaning back on the guardrail, I felt the wind hit my skin. Looking out, the stars were bright tonight. Trying to process my answer, I smiled.

"It really is a work in progress. It's not Dabi that he pretends to be anymore. He is only that when he is around everyone else. Even now I have to remember to call him Dabi when we are out"

"And?" Kai motioned his hands, encouraging me to keep speaking.

Releasing a sigh, I dramatically slouched against the rail leaning on my elbows.

"He still isn't in tune with his emotions. I'm not saying he should be like a therapist or something but his emotional intelligence isn't fully there. He took me on a date a couple of months back. It was cute and all but I could tell from his body language he was so unsure about a lot. Like he was scared to show affection, to touch me, and to express simple things. However, he was smooth when he asked me to be his girlfriend"

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