Chapter #55

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By the time they hit the road again, little daylight remains. It isn't the only thing in short supply. Their run-in with Bionic Capital has left both Hale and Damo drained, in need of recharging. Damo's algae takes time to process, and Hale requires a rest period as much as Rayner and Theo do.

They collectively agree that finding accommodation for the night is too risky, so they find a remote driveway to a deserted farmhouse and park the truck. In the dark and out of view of the main road, they do their best to get comfortable.

Theo nods off on Damo's shoulder as he enters rest mode. Hale stretches his legs out along the bench and leans against the window with Rayner curled up against his side. In the cramped dark of the truck cab, Hale waits, but Rayner doesn't fall asleep. His eyes shut, and he nuzzles into Hale's chest like he's a pillow, but sleep doesn't come to him. Anytime the sound of a distant car passes, his head lifts to watch out the window.

After a moment, Hale leans down and speaks with his lips in Rayner's hair. "Can I do anything to make it easier?'

Rayner makes a valiant attempt at levity. "I don't think our friends would appreciate it if we started screwing right now."

"I wasn't suggesting anything of the sort."

"As excuses go, I don't think they'd buy, 'the road handy was just to help me sleep!' Do you?"

"Rayner." Hale keeps his voice soft but firm. He can feel every taut muscle in Rayner's throat as if it's his own. His words come thickly, leaden with suppressed fear. Hale cards a gentle hand through Rayner's hair.

A sigh, but for a while Rayner doesn't speak. His fist curls in the fabric of Hale's shirt.

"Every time I close my eyes, it's like you're—" The rest snags in his throat.

Hale doesn't know what to say to comfort him. Instead, he tilts Rayner's chin up with a finger, looking into his eyes, too shiny in the dark. Hale presses a kiss to his hair, to his temple, to the corner of his mouth, and then to his lips. Rayner sinks into it. Accepts the physical comfort. The hand fisted in Hale's shirt rises to hold the back of his head and prevent him stopping too soon. When Rayner does pull away, it's with his lashes lowered and the signs of tears gone from his eyes.

"We'll be okay," Hale tells him.

Rayner nods, though whether he believes it is something else entirely. "We should try to sleep."

They do try, but by morning Hale's battery power is still woefully depleted. Rayner's restlessness didn't abate—he slept poorly and woke with dark circles under his eyes. It's unanimously decided that Damo will drive.

There are a lot of logistics to keep them occupied. Their first stop before making the last leg of their journey to Theo's contact is a small town where most of the population works at a wind farm. Here, they complete the last arrangements needed for their new home. Most of it involves a lot of shopping. The purchase of window glass for their greenhouse. Picking up the hydroponics kits Rayner pre-ordered and shipped to the post office. Arranging heavy drones to deliver supplies to the build site.

It's hard to shake the fear of being followed. Rayner maintains an eye on police scanners even after their names are removed from the APB. Hale scans and tracks every person or vehicle they come across in case they have Bionic Capital affiliations. While gathering building supplies from a depot, Theo listens to the news from her HoloPhone with her jaw clenched tight. Damo makes up games and sings badly on purpose to distract them from the collective unease, but he's just as apprehensive.

They also make a stop to buy better winter clothes. It was clear during their altercation with Bionic Capital that what they'd brought wouldn't suffice. Theo charges Hale with making a list, and they split up to collect everything in the sizes needed. Hale finds himself picking up thick socks next to Theo, who'd been assigned thermal underwear.

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