Chapter #32

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Theo announces that afternoon that she's in dire need of a nap after a poor night's sleep and the return of her back pain. Hale offers a massage, which she waves off with a yawn.

"Just need sleep, but I might take you up on that later," she says.

After she's gone, Hale and Rayner continue working in companionable silence. Not having heard from Damo all morning, Hale fears that their argument was the last of his daily irritations. Once, that would have been an optimistic thought. Now, Hale's growing desperation to bypass the chafe of his protocols makes him almost regret antagonizing Damo.

Until, at two in the afternoon, when the door to reception crashes open, and Damo storms into the workshop looking manically energetic.

"Time for your daily lesson in rule-breaking, Haley!" he announces.

Out of habit, Hale nearly protests the nickname. The cardboard box with his power source still sits on the table though, and his fears for the future temper his reaction.

He needs help. Any help. And if Damo's still willing despite their fight, then Hale will take what he can get.

"Okay," Hale says.

Damo pauses, raising an eyebrow. "What's with the— " He gestures at Hale's complacent posture. "—amenable-ness?"

"It's important that I learn these skills," Hale huffs.

"And I'm the only one benevolent enough to help," Damo finishes, as if that's what Hale was about to say. Looking to Rayner, he adds. "Wanna sit in on today's lesson?"

Closing his laptop, Rayner says, "Yeah, all right. Maybe lay off the nickname though."

Damo rolls his eyes. "Spoil sport. Ooo, what's this?"

Spotting the cardboard box still sitting on the table, Damo reaches in and pulls out the power supply. His sharp eyes go wide, scanning it up and down.

"Hale! Didn't know you're so close to joining the coveted elite of androids who don't need our monkey battery to tick."

If there's one thing Hale doesn't want to discuss, it's his convoluted feelings around the autonomy upgrade and the subsequent loss of his symbiont. He snatches the power supply out of Damo's grip and replaces it in its bed of packing peanuts.

"That's irrelevant to teaching me how to bypass protocols," Hale says.

Damo raises his hands and eyebrows. "Yeesh, okay."

>>But don't think I won't bring it up later. That's some rare tech you've got your hands on. I'd have thought you'd be installing it as we speak.

Hale says nothing.

Rayner clears his throat. "So, what are the, er, 'rule-breaking' lessons of the day? And how can I help?"

"Just by sitting there," Damo says. At Rayner's raised brow he adds, "Trust me. You're the carrot in this scenario." Adopting a lazy posture leaning back on his elbows against the counter, Damo points both fingers at Hale. "Easiest protocols to break are the honesty ones. So today I'm gonna teach you how to lie."

Hale balks. "How will that help me with computer programming?"

"Baby steps! You ever lied before?"

Shifting uncomfortably, Hale says, "Once." Then, compelled to elaborate, he adds, "I can also avoid telling whole truths or keep a secret so long as I'm not asked a direct question about it."

Damo waves that off. "Yeah, lucky for us they haven't created honesty protocols that cover lies of omission too. Once, huh? When'd you manage it?"

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