I. A Long Way To Go

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Chapter One

"How is it?" Sam asks Jade, who's on speaker phone right now in our office. Jade herself is in D.C. helping with clean up, which has been going on everyday for the past week since T'Challa's funeral. We've split the Avengers up, half on Earth helping with the three destroyed cities and the other half in space helping the Nova Empire.

Sam and I had a long talk about where we wanted to focus our attention on the Avengers first extraterrestrial endeavor. We agreed the Nova Empire was a great start. Carol, Thor, and the Guardians have already been trying to sanction peace in that system, but with the Kree threatening a take over, their efforts brought no results. Maybe now that the Kree are scattered, broken from their war with us, the Nova Empire will be able to stop the fighting and come together. Carol, Thor, the Guardians, Bucky, and Alex are on the planet Krylor, where a lot of the debating and fighting is taking place. Naomi and Kieran are there as well, trying to convince the empire to become Earth's ally, though they haven't had any luck yet. First the Nova Empire needs to ally with each other before they can ally with us.

"Things are going a lot smoother without the president breathing down our necks. I'm glad he was one of the leaders that resigned, I hope the next one is better."

I share a smile with Sam. We were both more than glad to see the US president gone, along with several other country's presidents and leaders. Zy promised he'd tell the people that the council didn't want the Skrulls to come, that they have no respect or care for any of them, that they only care about themselves, and he did. Some leaders already have replacements, others are still in office and are in the process of either being removed or resigning, and only a couple still remain. The king of England, for example, though one of the biggest instigators in the conflicts we as a council had faced, has stayed in his position, though he no longer attends the council meetings. Parliament's leader now attends in his place. This is the case with other countries as well. For the US, Daniel Fai has taken the president's place on the council. The president was known in the past for having his secretary's do his job, but he insisted on handling the position on the World Security Council instead of Daniel. This was probably because of his connection with Jo. I'm glad for that connection now, it means he'll listen to us and help us make the lives of the enhanced, the Skrulls, and everybody else better.

That wasn't always the case with him. I'm glad it is now.

"I'll be in D.C. soon to oversee things," Sam tells her, leaning against his desk. "Soroya and I need to go to New Asgard, Valkyrie was kind enough to allow the Skrulls to be housed there until homes are built for them."

"I just hope there's enough room." I add. I doubt there will be, but at least some of the Skrulls will have homes for the time being, it's better than nothing. The council wants to focus on the housing needs of humans before Skrulls, lots of people lost their homes in the war. I tried to argue with them about this, but it was to no avail. At least the council will actually help the Skrulls, and that's only because of the new replacements, the old council members would have let the Skrulls be homeless until the end of their days.

"We'll be fine here for now. Good luck you two."

Sam smiles at the phone. "You, too. Love you."

"Love you." And then she hangs up.

"Suzzie?" I yell, smiling once our assistant makes an appearance. "Do we have any more calls?"

"One from Bruce Banner and one from Stephen Strange."

"Do you know what they want?" Sam asks with a sigh.

"Both want to give updates on the progress they are making in London and Beijing. You also have your meeting with the Wakandan council in an hour and a meeting with Talos and Queen Valkyrie in New Asgard right after."

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