Chapter 11: Jeff and Splendy

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Sally: We're here.

I rose to the tiny skyscrapers and the fresh air of Montreal. After hours on the road, we were finally safe! At least, for a while. We stepped out of the bus, and I lead the way through the city. I approximately knew where this address led to, so I decided we should take the metro to Jeff's house.

Y/N: Ouch!

I bumped in on another person. Their face was covered entirely with a hood, and a brown cape wrapped up their body.

Y/N: Sorry.

I turned to see that the person disappeared. I frowned and looked around to spot them but didn't find anything.

Y/N: Okay. That was weird.

Sally: I don't like this, let's hurry.

Y/N: Yes. Let's.

We embarked, and after some time, we walked out.

Y/N: Want to eat?

Sally: I'm not that hungry, so I'll take something light.

I nodded and headed to the nearest café, which was across the road. A big crowd was crossing it at the same time. People were eyeing me because Sally was whimpering when the green light turned on. They turned their attention pretty quickly to what was in front of them. When we set foot on the street corner, I gently put my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Don't worry. I'm here.

She raised her thumb, but it didn't look like she was convinced, which is understandable. We entered, ate a little, and stayed there for a while. The comfort of this place was too pleasant to pass on the opportunity to relax.

We got out, and I immediately took my sister's hand and fast-walked to the location. It was a small apartment block on top of a little shop. It was close to many other businesses like the café we just ate in and a barbershop.

Sally: It's perfect.

Y/N: What is?

Sally: his house isn't in a rich neighborhood, where it would be effortless to find him. It's not in a poor one either, because his rivals would probably search those first. It's convenient and almost invisible.

Y/N: you're right...

Sally: Let's not waste any more time.

Y/N: Right.

We entered the building and climbed one set of stairs before coming face to face with two doors. We placed ourselves in front of the one Jeff is supposed to live behind, and after taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

I knew this was a bad idea when I heard someone running towards us. Before I could even turn around and run away, the person opened the door, threw me on the floor, and jumped on my torso.

His skin was burned and very pale. His insane smile was permanently carved on his face, and his eyes were pitch black and wide open at all hours. I didn't see him blink once. I also didn't blink for a while there, but that was because of the knife he slowly but surely approached from my throat, not because I burned my retinas.

Jeff: Don't worry, ill make this quick. All you have to do is GO.TO.


He couldn't finish his sentence. He flew to the other side of the room, punched on the mouth by Sally, who was as surprised by her reaction as the guy I assumed was Jeff. He got up, gave us a light laugh, and wiped his lips without a worry in the world.

Jeff: I was going to take care of you later. You don't need to be so eager about it.

Sally: Try me.

I straightened myself and summoned a throwing knife behind my back. I might as well get some practice now.

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