Chapter 8: New life

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I suddenly felt nauseous. It felt like every fluid in my body was now considered a threat and was getting ready to be ejected from my mouth. My head was super heavy, and the pressure on every one of my members was so immense that I started bleeding from my eyes. My vision was becoming blurrier by the minute, and soon, the only color I could see was white. It had the effect of a grenade detonating right beside me as my ears began to ring, and a while after, I couldn't hear at all. An unknown weight was crushing me, and It was breaking everything inside of me like I was made of glass.


Is what I could've screamed if I had the strength. I think the pain was only supposed to last a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity for me. Fortunately, the torture finally stopped very abruptly. My senses were coming back to me. I could see more of my environment little by little. I slowly got up, but apparently, the process wasn't finished, and I fell on my knees again. Out of nowhere, nausea came back even harder. I was going to puke. I thought it was just going to be the meals I ate today, but instead of half-digested food, a black liquid came out. It felt rich yet lean at the same time. It must be something magic-related because I wouldn't stop puking. I thought I was going to die from a lack of oxygen. One minute later, it just stopped coming out, and I could finally relax. I coughed for a few seconds as it was too much for me to handle. I slowly got up and looked around me. Sally was horrified. She had both of her hands covering her mouth, and her eyes were watery. Ann had her arms crossed and glared at me like I killed her entire family in front of her. Slender am I supposed to know?

Slender: How are you feeling?

Interestingly, my head was cleared, my arms were functional, I could see and hear, and the nausea was gone.

Y/N: Like a walking dead.

To be honest, I felt great, but only physically. My mental state wasn't holding up. I never experienced something as painful as this. I'm the type of guy that tries to avoid getting hurt as much as possible. I remember one time I was talking with a classmate about the suicide of my first mom. When I finished the story, he praised me:

Classmate: How are you able to deal with this better than an adult? You're really strong.

At the time, I thanked him for the compliment, but deep down, this burden already tore me apart. They say I was more mature than my dad because I could manage this tragedy better than him. It was only like that on the surface. In truth, I was as shocked and traumatized by this event as him. He was just more honest about it.

Y/N: I am never doing this again.

I was breathing heavily, and my pupils expanded to the point where they looked like a black hole, absorbing my own life.

Ann: This guy can decapitate heads in video games with no problems, but...

I glared back at her, she must've seen real flames in my eyes, and she stopped talking. That's understandable. Nobody here has seen me this angry before.

Y/N: You didn't tell me about the black goo!

Slender: Sorry, must've slipped out of my mind.


Slender: Trust me, I've seen more mind-blowing stuff than this. This is not unique in any way.

Y/N: Huh?

Slender: This is why you humans can't use the supernatural. You could call this a border. It's there to block the access of this source of energy from humans. The less of the goo there is, the more powerful you get. This is also why evolutions exist.

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