Chapter 3: The diary and Sally pt.1

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Day 1:

Yesterday, I decided to keep a diary. Why? To stay occupied and keep my sanity intact. I hope. I wanted to report every interesting event that I witnessed. Right now, my Dad and I were in my uncle's car, going to the house. They were exchanging news other than this tragedy. I got to admit, He acted like a proper human today and not like a weird pedophile that even people on the sex offender list would find strange. He was sorry for our loss, and I felt like it was sincere. Did he change? Is he normal now? Only time will tell.

Dad had a 12 pack of beer beside him. At first, I thought he bought it to share with his brother, but he was already drinking his second bottle. My old geezer already looked like he was about to pass out. He wasn't taking the fact we were so close to the house very well, either. At least, he could drink alcohol. He could escape reality. Everything electronic, no, everything entertaining burned down with the house, so I couldn't do much except wait for our arrival with dread.

30 minutes later:

At last, we arrived at the front of our old/new house. I observed the renovations my Dad told them to do were finished, as it looked a little cleaner than when we were living in it. We got out of the car, and I saw my uncle's wife with someone new next to her. It was a little girl, I would say eight years old, with brown hair and green eyes. She wore a pink dress and held a teddy bear in her arms. She seemed a little scared that two randoms guys were approaching the porch. My aunt started speaking:

Aunt: Hello boys, I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know her for long, but she looked like a virtuous woman.

Dad: You don't need to say it, and no need to worry. I'm already over it.

Aunt: It doesn't look like it.

My Dad leaned on my uncle and had his two bottles of beers in his hand; he had bags under his eyes. His hair and his beard were a mess. He could barely stand and looked so weak you would think that a single burst of wind would blow him away. In brief, he looked like me but with the beer as a bonus.

My aunt sighed a little before continuing:

Aunt: As you can see, there is someone new here. Her name is Sally Williams. We adopted her a few months ago. Sally, say hi to our guests.

Sally: Hello

Me: Hi. I'm Y/n, and this is my father, Jason.

I wasn't interested in speaking to her, so I just walked past Sally with a blank look on my face. I didn't want to talk to anyone. It wasn't the moment. For now, I had to get used to my environment. As soon as I entered, I ran upstairs to my moms' room. I opened the door to see almost nothing had changed. When we moved for the first time, we were able to leave her furniture behind. Since the family moving in didn't have the stuff to complete this room, we gave ours. Our goal was to leave everything that made us remember her behind, so it was a win-win situation. The only thing that changed there was the color of the wall. It went from a standard white to a sky blue. I then walked to my room, which was to the left of my mom's. The door was slightly opened. I peeked inside and saw it completely changed. I suppose this is now sally's room because the bed had a lot of plushies on it. The walls were painted light pink. There was a little library with a few books in the background. After inspecting the room, I went downstairs because my Dad called me for supper.

"I hope I don't sleep in my moms' room," I thought.

The dinner was very silent. Each time someone tried to start a conversation, and by "someone," I mean my aunt, they were met by silence. I gazed at my plate for most of the supper. The handful of times I looked up, I would see Sally staring intently at me. She had a look of concern on her face like she was my mom and thought I had something to hide from her. It was creepy, not gonna lie.

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