Chapter 11 Dumbledore and Voldermort talk

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Harry went to the headmaster office he was nervous this was the first time he had a chat with him alone since his time in the past he walked up the stairs and found the headmaster already at his desk. Harry said "Good afternoon Headmaster." Dumbledore saw Harry and said "Good afternoon Harry, wonderful to see you." Harry walked to the seat and sat down he sighed and said, "The reason I am here is because I found out Professor Snape is my soulmate but we aren't fully soulmates because I have lightning bolt and he doesn't." Dumbledore smiled but was confused and said, "Well isn't that a mystery." Harry said, "Yeah, I am sure I'll work out the problem."

There was a death eater meeting going on.  As Snape was arriving he said to the dark lord, "I can't be part of the death eaters anymore. I found out Harry Potter is my soulmate." Voldemort was shocked and said, "Well that is a disappointment, you were a good follower. I'll ask Lucius to give his son a letter detailing when the next meeting is, so you can still join if you want to." Snaps said, "Thank you, that's much appreciated. Who knows - I might get Potter to join your side, my lord." Voldemort replied, "Good luck with that." Voldemort used a spell on Snape's arm which hurt a lot. Snape screamed with pain then said, "Wow that hurts." Voldemort said, "Go before I changed my mind and kill you instead." Snape vanished in seconds and returned to his bedroom in Hogwarts.

Harry went to Snape's office. He felt something was wrong. Harry went inside and saw Snape's arm; it was bleeding. He asked, "You okay sir?" Snape looked up at the person standing next to him and replied, "Oh Harry it's you - I should have guessed, considering our connection. Yeah, I am okay. I was temporarily fired from being a death eater." Harry said, "Wow I didn't know that about you, that's so cool." Snape gave a sneer that turned into a smile and looked at his soulmate mark. It had changed to show half a lightning bolt now. Snape said,"Well look at that, if we tell truth to one and other, I get more of a connection with you." Harry then looked guilty and said, "Yeah your other half means you need to find something about me you didn't know and I know exactly what that is." Snape asked, "During your last potions class, I noticed you also got a Phoenix that day, I was wondering why?" Harry replied "You catch on too quick. The reason for the Phoenix is something entirely different, I didn't want anyone else to know." Snape said, "Well, I am going to do research." Harry said, "The only clue I am going to give you is that you're supposed to have one as well, but for some reason there's three people with Phoenix, even though it's only supposed to be two." Snape said, "That clue is somewhat annoying and helpful." Harry smiled and said "I didn't want to say this but if I first came to Hogwarts and took the soulmate potion does that mean we could have been soulmates ever since I started Hogwarts?" Snape said, "You've just blown my mind, plus you've just made my mind hurt because the reason I got along with your mum must have been because my soulmate was in her tummy." Harry said, "I am relieved that you and my mum didn't get together or you would be my father." Harry giggled to himself. Snape was shocked and said, "You had to say that." Harry left before he thought of something else. Snape was left alone with his thoughts and the new thought that Harry put in his head and said, "Why did he have to say that about me and Lily, which is highly impossible." Snape pondered some more and decided to go to the library and do more research.  He'd just had Epiphany - which doesn't happen often.

Harry went back to the dormitory and saw Hermione and smiled and said, "Hey Hermione guess what?" Hermione replied, "I have no idea. What?" Harry said, "Professor Snape has half a lightning bolt now. Plus he's doing research about something I am not telling him about." Hermione said, "That's fantastic, but what happens when he sees Dumbledore's Phoenix Tattoo and puts two and two together?" Harry replied, "Thanks Hermione, I didn't think of that and now I am screwed!" Harry went to his room and practiced his future conversation with Snape.

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