Chapter 8 In st mingos

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Jacob land with a thud on top of a bed in St Mungo's a Healer Ward, a was shocked and said "aah you are the wizard that was suppose to be on this bed." Jacob looked at the Medical Witch and asked"Are you related to Madam Nightingale?" The lady replied "Yes she is my third great grandmother, you must be Jacob Rawlings, she talked about you." Jacob was shocked how much this witch reminded him of the witch that did the genetics spell a while ago and he asked 'Do you know my real name?"
Nightingale replied "No I don't have the foggiest idea."
At that moment Jacob's eyesight spell was wearing off and he looked for his glasses but before that he said "Please don't be too shocked when I put on my glasses." Jacob put his normal specs on and looked at the medical witch and smiled.

Nightingale couldn't believe her eyes and said "Oh Merlin! You are Harry Potter, you the famous wizard that disappeared in time during the tournament while battling The Dark Lord Voldemort, you super famous." Harry said "Thank,s great to meet you, you won't tell anyone what my name in the past was." Nightingale replied "Of course I won't, patient confidentiality and I don't want to see your face in the papers with the headlines saying "HEADMASTER KNOCKED UP THE BOY WHO LIVED." Harry laughed and giggled and said "Thank you plus I  have been having that in my head since the Headmaster Dippet suggested it." Nightingale said "You do know your child in the future is going be Hogwarts Headmaster?" Harry replied "Yes I figured that out in the past the day Dippet suggested it." Nightingale said "I am going to do the unbreakable vow with Minister Fudge so he doesn't tell Dumbledore what your name was in the past or those headlines will come true." Harry said "Please do I would like that."

Nightingale went and found Fudge and brought him to the infirmary room she said "you are here, because in this room I have a wizard, I want what you, me and him to stay in this room and no one else needs to know unless it's important and I need Madam Pomfrey to get treatment as well." Fudge was curious and decided to do what he was told and make the vow.
He went inside and said "Harry Potter what are you doing here?' Harry replied "Good evening minister fudge I am the wizard that went in the past and in the past I was called Jacob Rawlings and to get back I had to share genetics with myself and Albus Dumbledore." Fudge couldn't believe his ears and eyes and said "Wow, oh my Merlin, you sir are impossible."  Harry said "Yeah that's what I keep saying to myself." Fudge said "I'll keep this a secret." Harry said "Thank you so much." Nightingale said "We need to tell Pomfrey in case something happens at Hogwarts."
Harry asked "Is the soulmate potion still being taught?" Fudge was flabbergasted and replied "Wow you learned a lot when you were in the past, to answer your question yes it is." Harry said "Excellent I make an excuse for the tattoo on my right arm when I get to drink the potion." Nightingale said "Good idea that would cover you for a bit until someone realised that the tattoo is significant." Fudge said "Harry knowing your luck you might get a professor as  your soulmate, if that happens it's perfectly normal to happen." Harry asked "Is it because some of the Professor or adult wizards aren't that old?" Fudge replied "Yes and dating a Professor hasn't been a rule for a very long time, I think Headmaster Dippet made it a rule."  Harry was relieved and decided to ask his final question before he went back to Hogwarts "What happened to Gilbert Grindalwald?" Fudge replied "I was wondering when you were going to ask that, well you know the rule about not expose magic right." Harry nodded and waited for Fudge to continue. Fudge said "Well Grindelwald was a seer and forsaw the next civil war, muggles will fight in it, so he decided to step in and take charge to stop it, well the ministry was appalled with that so they got Dumbledore and Grindalwald to have a huge battle. Dumbledore won and sent Grindalwald to a prison cell in Azkaban he's still there, he hasn't gone insane, yet."

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