Chapter 4 Christmas day and next year

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Christmas Day arrived everyone got up early and opened their presents. Albus also got Jacob a present he said "Here you go it's a little gift." Jacob was touched and said "Mine also a small gift." Albus opened his first it was a pair of socks and he said "Wow I am a kid the loves getting socks on Christmas but none of my friends seem to give me any." Jacob said "Awesome there magic socks they changed colour depending on your mood." Albus said "Wow I am never taking them off and put a growing charm so they stay the same size as my feet."

Jacob was touch and opened his present it was lemon drops and he gave a little cry and said "Wow now you remind me of my professor he absolutely adores these." Albus replied "Yeah lemon drops have a certain effect on wizard for Muggles they don't feel the effects only wizard do it's a calming drop potion mix inside." Jacob replied "Wow I didn't know that."

Everyone enjoyed Christmas. Then the holidays finished and went back to Hogwarts and went to classes like normal. During the classes the students learned the Patronus charm, Jacob tried not to show of that he can do corporal already. He tried to calm his magic but it didn't work and stag came out his wand beautiful and majestic. Albus was surprised and asked "Do you really have a powerful memory for that to happen?" Jacob replied "I had to learn this at a young age." Albus was curious and took a note of that in his head and thought "This Jacob is very interesting, I got to learn all I can about him. I know who to look out for in the future."

The next classes went along quickly then it was end of term and the Headmaster Dippet said "Look forward too seeing everyone next year." Then all students left and went home on the train. Jacob went to the Headmaster's office and said "Well this year has been interesting, looking forward to next year." Dippet said "See you next year."

Jacob went home with Albus and they talked on the train Albus said "My brother is coming to Hogwarts next year I can't wait." Jacob said "I didn't realise you were the oldest." Albus said Yeah i got big responsibility since my dad died." Jacob asked "How did he die?" Albus replied "He got mad at muggles making fun of my sister and was sent to Azkaban for showing magic to muggles." Jacob was surprised and said "Wow I wish someone would ban that law it gets so many wizards in trouble." Albus asked "Is it still law in your time?" Jacob replied "Luckily no, but I know so many wizards and witches in the future that gets affected by the law." Albus was presently surprised how much Jacob willing to share.

During the summer break Jacob turned 15 he didn't tell anyone the actual day but when the day happened he didn't say a word until later he said "My birthday has been and past." Albus said "Sneaky now I don't know your birthdays but you know mine not fair." Jacob said 'Well in my time I don't know many wizards that have the same birthday as me."

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