Chapter 3 New Friend

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In the evening Jacob got himself into the Gryffindor room and found a bed, he slept until morning in he went down to breakfast.  Gilbert said "Hey I am Gilbert Grindelwald great to meet you." Jacob said "I am Jacob Rawlings great to meet you." Albus said "He's a special wizard he's a time traveler." Gilbert said "Wow that's cool." Jacob said "I have heard of you before I remember Albus talking about you." Gilbert said "Awesome that's fantastic." Gilbert looked at Albus and said "Told you we have a future together." Albus said "Wait until sixth year and drink the partner potion." Gilbert said "Good idea but I am hopeful."  Jacob was keen to learn more about Gilbert and if Albus and Gilbert did get together in his time-line.

Then after breakfast was the classes Jacob was surprised what they were learning, he guess some spell haven't been invented  yet. He didn't want to say a spell no one heard of so he kept quite the whole time.
Week went quick then it was winter break and Jacob followed Albus home. Albus introduced his younger brother Aberforth and Albus told his younger sister Ariana. Jacob was introduced to his mum Kendra." Jacob said "Wonderful to meet you."  The boys got settled for the night and Jacob kept thinking how odd it was to be in the same room as his Headmaster. 

Jacob found out his birthday and now he knows Albus's parent and his brother and sister, Albus looked at the boy and asked "How important am I in the future?" Jacob replied "Well not giving too much away. We are pretty good friends. You get along with all the Professors and you make sure that your pupils have lots to learn." Albus said "Wow that's cool." 

They both fallen asleep in the morning Albus showed Jacob around the village Jacob said "I can't believe you live in Godric Hollow this is where I would have grew up in, if my parents were alive." Albus said "Wow I am sorry for your loss, if I could change events I would." Jacob replied "If you did that then my current future would have changed so much. I am really trying not to give you big events in the future." Albus said "Well we don't want that."

In was coming up to Christmas Harry went to the local wizard shops and got Albus a present it was emotion socks that changed colour. Jacob went home and wrapped the present and waited for Christmas Day.

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