Chapter 17 end of an era.

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In the morning it was high noon when Voldermort road by broomstick and stood in the courtyard .He saw his dark mark on the ground and he saw Dumbledore at the other and lots of pupils . He said "Wow you did say there was an audience, I am surprised and love the display on the ground." Dumbledore said "Well it was Professor Snape that got the design right, I got the right distance." Voldermort said "Let's begin." Dumbledore said "Agreed." 

They both started to shout spells at each other. Harry was standing next to Snape, worried he said "I am sure he's going to be fine." Snape said "I am sure, I wish I knew Voldemort's tactics." Harry said "Yeah that would have been handy." Voldemort and Dumbledore carried on with the spells at each other. They started from first year spells to throughout the year up to Seventh year. Dumbledore said "I thinks there's only one spell left." Voldemort said "Nope there's two and here's the first expelliarmus." Dumbledore's elder wand went out his hand and Voldemort caught  it and laughed and said "I win you are dead old man." Voldemort yelled "Advada kedavra." 

Then a streak of yellow light was about to hit Dumbledore. Harry disappeared and stood in the way and for some reason the elder wand disappeared from Voldemort's hand and went straight to Harry's and the spell backfired and hit Voldemort in the chest while Voldemort was fading he yelled "THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE NOOOOOO!" Harry was bewildered and smiled, Dumbledore was shocked and said "Harry you just saved my life How?" Harry replied "Wow, erm I really don't know." Dumbledore said "I Think I do, I found my future headmaster." Harry gulped and looked and Snape and suddenly he nodded back. Harry looked at Dumbledore and said "Actually I think it's my kid that's going to be headmaster, the baby didn't want his or her father killed." 

Dumbledore fainted on the spot. His mind went back to when he was at Hogwarts and remembered meeting a boy from the future called Jacob. Rawlings Pomfrey rushed over and made a bed appear magically out of nowhere and looked at Harry and said "Well done in protecting the headmaster." Harry smiled and said "Yeah to be able to do that in the womb, I am shocked." Pomfrey said "Baby instants are strong when protecting the other father, plus the added bonus of being the future headmaster." Dumbledore woke up and looked at Harry and said "Oh my Merlin you are Jacob Rawlings, wow so, this mark is special. I thought it was because I got a Phoenix as a pet and turned headmaster." Harry said "Wow that didn't take long to figure out. Glad I didn't need to explain myself." 

Dumbledore then felt a tingle in his other arm. He looked down and saw another mark appear he remembered what Grindalwald mark looked like and smiled. He said "Finally, I can finally get Gilbert out of the asylum. Me and him are soulmates." Harry was super happy and said "Woohoo let's celebrate." Before they celebrated Remus and Sirius barged into the hospital wing and asked "How in Merlin is Harry pregnant?" Harry replied "Right, I forgot that I haven't told you guys, well I went to the past when I was fourteen and met a young Dumbledore and the only way to get was to be sixteen and do a gene spell so I have the future headmaster growing inside of me when I  returned and now you have caught up." Sirius and Remus smiled and said "That's sounds a terrific way to celebrate, no alcohol for you Harry." Harry said "I know soft drinks don't worry I will remember."

That's what everyone celebrated with a big party. The rest of the death eaters lost their mark when Voldemort was vanquished. They all agreed to go to Asylum for a while to get rehabilitated. Harry, Albus and Severus went to the asylum to pick up Gilbert. Harry explained who he was in the past, he said "Sorry I meant to see you sooner explaining Dumbledore doesn't know me yet but when he does his mark should appear.." Gilbert replied "Don't worry I would never given up hope."

Then a few months went by Harry and had a baby girl they called her Kendra Eileen Potter. Harry was surprised to see her she looked adorable. Snape and Dumbledore smiled at the beautiful girl. Dumbledore said "Wow a female headmaster that's fantastic." Harry said "Yeah only me could have a female. I should have known not everything is easy with me." Snape said "Well you were called the boy who lived." Harry said "Thanks must something about getting killed as a baby do something impossible for me." Dumbledore laughed and said "Yeah I think she's going to be just like you. Remember she did save my life before she was even born." Harry said "Great the Potters are the impossible family." Gilbert wondered inside the infirmary and saw Harry's daughter and he said "Wow a girl as a seer I didn't predict that. I wonder what her future holds." 

Everyone celebrated and a huge party was at Hogwarts. Harry told his story to everyone at school, how he traveled back in time and how he has a beautiful daughter.
Lots of future generations told the story about Harry Potter getting sent back in time to meet his headmaster as a boy. No one forgot about Harry Potter. He was always now known for the boy who is impossible, no longer the boy who lived. Because Harry did live a spectacular life.

The end.

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