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"Merry Christmas!" I hear from the door way of my room.

I quickly jolt awake frightened by the noise, "Jesus christ Kōtarō!" His cheeks go red and he looks down slightly.

"Sorry baby owl, I'm just so excited," he says kicking the ground.

A smile stretches across my face, "It's alright bubs," he looks up at me and begins to walk over, picking me up.

"Merry christmas N/n," Keiji says from the couch.

I smile at him, "Merry Christmas Kei," he smiles back and Ko sets me down on the ground.

"Did you guys already sort presents?" I ask playfully huffing.

Keiji chuckles and nods, "Sorry, N/n. We didn't know when you would get up,"

I nod at him and smile, grabbing my stocking from the couch.

~Time skip~

"Remember, save my present for last," Ko said as I picked up one of the last two presents addressed to me. Sighing I set it down and pick up the other one.

"From... Keiji," I smile at my brother and begin to unwrap the present.

A small chain falls out of the wrapping into my lap, "It's a charm bracelet, anytime a big event happens in our lives I'll get you a new charm,"

I smile at him, "But there's already three on here," he nods at me and grabs the bracelet from my hands.

"This one..." He says holding out a small baby charm, "Represents the day you came into our lives," my gaze falls onto Ko, and then back to Keiji.

"That's so sweet," I say as he picks up a small heart shaped charm, "This one is for the day you had finally decided to accept Bokuto as apart of our group,"

I flush slightly thinking of how long it took to accept Ko into my life.

"And this one, is for the day you two decided to start going out," My face flushes even more as my gaze is met by beautiful amber eyes.

"Thank you," I smile looking back to Keiji, "It's beautiful," he smiles at me and puts the bracelet on my wrist.

"You're beautiful," I hear Ko mumble into my ear as he pulls me onto his lap.

A giggle escapes my lip as I pick up Keiji's present, "Open it," I smile.

He chuckles at my enthusiasm and begins to unwrap the present, "Wow, awesome, another hoodie for you to steal out of my closet," he says looking up to me unamused.

"Nope, not this time! I get to take Ko's now," I say smiling, "Nooooo, not my hoodiessss," Ko complains chuckling.

"Look at the back of the hoodie," I tell Keiji. He flips the hoodie around, "Akaashi, Keiji, #1 Setter," he reads aloud.

His gaze meets mine, "Thank you Y/n, I love it,"

"There should be something else in the bottom of the box," I tell him as he picks the box up to check, "It looks just like the volleyball I had when we were kids," he says picking up a white and gold volleyball from the box.

I nod, "Yeah, it's also embroidered into the shoulder," I say pointing to the right shoulder.

"I can't say it enough, thank you. I love it," he says hugging me.

My arms snake around his middle hugging him back, "I knew you would," I smile into his shoulder.

"Hands off my woman," I hear Ko playfully say to Keiji.

"No, you get your hands off my sister," Keiji playfully snaps back.

"Okay Okay, you win, but to bad," Ko says rubbing the sides of my thighs.

"Alright baby, open my present now," I giggle as I reach down for his present, admiring the beautiful baby blue wrapping paper with little penguins decorating the paper.

Slowly tearing into the paper revealing and t-shirt that says "Baby owl" on the back, "Ko, I love it," I say looking up at him.

He smiles down at me and kisses my head, "There should be something else in there, read it in your room though," he whispers in my ear.

"Okay," I whisper back.

He picks up my gift, "My turn?" he says with a hopeful look on his face.

I nod and smile.

Slowly he unwraps the box and sees a hoodie, "So is this what Akaashi meant?" He said deadpanning.

Shaking my head to tell him no I flip the hoodie around and show him the back, "Bokuto Kōtarō, #1 Ace," he reads out.

"Cool! Agaashi! We're matching!" He yells out in excitement.

Keiji chuckles and I give him a stupid smile.

"You like it?" He nods his head frantically, "I love it!" He kisses my cheek and smiles admiring the hoodie.

"You guys have matching volleyballs too," I say sheepishly.

"Thank you Y/n, thank you thank you thank you!" I giggle at his excitement hugging his arm lightly.

"I can't believe this our first Christmas together," I say looking up at him.

"Yeah, it's weird to think about," he says meeting my gaze.

"Y/n, can we talk please?" I nod at him as he grabs my hand heading upstairs to my room.

"Y/n, I really like you. And I mean I really like you, you're very important to me. You make my bad days good, thank you," He says to me as he holds both my hands.

"I just feel like maybe... We should stop just going out, I wanna pursue more with you," I smile as I rub his knuckles.

"Of course Ko, I wanna be with you more then anything," I tell him as he slowly leans in.

I lean in to meet him halfway as his hand snakes around my waist and cupping my cheek with his other hand.

"You're beautiful," he mumbled against my lips, "You're perfect," he says kissing my cheek, "You're gorgeous," he kisses my jawline, "You're amazing," he mumbles against my neck, "you're so good to me," he says making his way back to my lips.

"I love everything about you," he says pulling away.

Well merry late Christmas! This is a fluffy chapter and I hope you like it!

I'll have a new years chapter up soon!

<3 Author chan

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