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The test is fucking positive.

Tears stream down my face and I slid down the wall behind me, "Baby, hey hey hey, you're gonna be okay. We're gonna get through this,"

Sobs escape me and soon the phone hangs up, what feels like hours passes by and I hear the front door burst open and soon enough the bathroom door.

"Hey...Hey... It's gonna be okay, come here baby, come here. Let me hold you," He says gently stroking my hair as he pulls me into his chest letting my tears soak his shirt.

Loud sobs erupt from the throat and Mitsu stands there knowing exactly what happened, "I'm gonna go make tea to calm her down," She says running to the kitchen.

"Baby owl, look at me. C'mon, look at me baby," He coos into my ear as I slowly force myself to face him.

"No matter what you decide to do, I'm gonna be here. Do you want this baby?" He asks me softly.

A million thoughts run through my head as I think about what it would be like to have a baby and what abortion would lead to.

"I- I don't wanna get rid of it..." I say through my tears. He smiles, "Okay, we don't have to. We can have this baby," He coos softly and puts his hand under my shirt.

He smiles as he rubs my stomach gently, "He or she, is gonna be beautiful," He says softly.

A giggle escapes my throat as I nod, "Are you gonna keep going to school?" He asks me, I nod my head.

"Until I can't anymore, then I'll move to online," I say softly.

He nods his head, "I can't just stop but I promise I'll do everything I can for you," He says smiling at me.

I nod my head and he pulls me back into his chest, "I love you, and I'm gonna love our baby just as much," He says kissing my forehead.

"I love you too Kō, I'm just scared..." I say just above a whisper.

He nods his head, "I know baby owl, me too. Me too..." He says softly.

We sit on Mitsu's bathroom floor for a little bit longer until she shows back up in the doorway, "Tea is ready. Bokuto, would you like some too?" She asks him.

He nods his head and he picks me up after standing himself up and heads into the living room.

Mitsu comes in shortly after with three steaming cups on a tray that she sets on the table.

"So... What happened?" She asks hesitantly.

I sniffle a little before speaking, "It came back positive, and we're gonna keep he or she," I say smiling up at Kō.

He nods at my words and smiles.

"I'm happy for you guys! I told you there was nothing to be worried about Y/n," I nod at her words and blush sheepishly.

"I should have believed you," I say to her.

Kō buts in and says, "Well I even told you that I'd still be here no matter what and that didn't help!" He says huffing and crossing his arms like a child.

I kiss his nose and his pout vanishes and he kisses my nose back, "Thank you M'lady, your prince will be back in 5 minutes," He says in a royal accent rolling the 'r' in prince.

A giggle escapes my throat as a gag comes from Mitsu, "grosssss!" she says to us.

We all laugh and turn on a movie, "Well, I don't wanna intrude on your girl time, I'll be here to pick you guys up for school at 7:45, okay?" He asks us and we nod as he heads out the door.

"I love you babies," He says blowing a kiss at me and one at my stomach.

I laugh at his actions, "We love you too baby daddy," I say light heartedly as he chuckles walking out the door.

Mitsu is giving me a sly look as we burst out laughing, "That was so cute!" She says laughing as I nod my head in agreement.

Once we finish up laughing we let out a smile and watch out movie, we fall asleep on the couch and what felt like moments was hours.

Our alarms started blaring and we jolted awake from the loud noises, "Ugh..." Mitsu groaned out as she rubbed her head. Standing up and stretching I fall back on the couch from feeling dizzy.

"Are you okay?" She asks rubbing my arm. I nod and smile, "Yeah I just get really dizzy sometimes," I say gently.

She nods and gets up, "Do you wanna shower? I showered yesterday so I'm good for today," She says smiling.

I nod and she smiles, "Alright, you know where the bathroom is!" She says heading into the kitchen.

I smile and head upstairs, starting the shower.

The hot water steams up the mirror as I grab a towel from the cabinet.

Jumping in I quickly wash my hair and call it good. I stand under the water for a little while before finally stepping out.

Grabbing the towel and drying myself off and then making my way to my hair I put on my uniform and head downstairs, "Hey do you have a blow dryer I can use?" I ask Mitsu as she's plating food.

She nods, "Yeah, it's in the bathroom cabinet to the right," I smile and head back to the bathroom and begin to blow dry my hair making sure to not get my uniform anymore damp then it already is.

Smiling at myself I head downstairs and sit next to Mitsu, "Thank you for making breakfast," I say smiling and stuffing my face.

"It's no problem, I don't typically do this but you're company," She says eating a piece bacon.

I smile at her and as we finish up and put our plates in the dishwasher. Starting it before leaving, we hear a loud honk from outside.

"Alright, We should get our stuff... That should be Kō I say softly heading into the living room to slip on my shoes and grab my bag as does Mitsu.

Walking outside I'm met with a very handsome man standing against a jeep, "Well well well, who might you two be?" He says with a country accent before opening the doors for us.

I slide into the passenger and Mitsu slides into the back seat. Kō walks to his side and starts the car driving us to school.

Word count: 1095

Ugh, baby time‼️
Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter!

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