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@/bus3 and r@/pe
I'll let you know when the chapter continues as normal :)

"Leave me alone!" I hear my mother scream from downstairs. Keiji and I are huddled in his closet waiting for it to stop.

This always happens...

They argue alll the ti- I'm brought back to reality by a loud scream and a thud from downstairs, "Don't touch me!" the voice screams at the top of their lungs.

I hear footsteps heading upstairs and next thing I know I'm being pulled out of the closet... The only thing holding me in place is Keiji.

We look at each other with fear in our eyes as I'm ripped away from my older brother... My protector.

"Stop it!" I hear my mom scream at my father, "Go away!" I hear her tell him to leave but really I only hear bits and pieces. I'm trying my best to focus on Keiji. Tears begin to escape my eyes clouding my vision as I feel a hard force on my face causing me to look at the person who had hold of me.

I look at the ground to see my mother unconcious only to have my face forced to look at my dad. He smiles at me and coos in my ear, "It's alright now... I won't hurt you. You just need to listen,"

I begin to cry knowing what is about to happen.

He smacks me, hard. "Stop your crying."

He begins to undo his belt, "Undress. Now."

I stiffle a sob feeling like I can't move, I feel the belt smack me leaving a large red mark on my stomach, "What the fuck did I say."

He says this as a demand instead of a question. He knows I heard him, he knows I'm not dumb.

He hits me again, "You're hurting me!" I cry out, pleading, begging for him to stop.

I see him begin to grow impatient snapping the belt against itself but before he can hit me I see mom come up behind him and hit him on the head with one of Keiji's shoes.

Dad turns around and pushes mom out the door. She screams and pleads for help hoping the neighbors will call the police.

But they never did. No one ever came to help us.

I hear a couple loud thuds going down the stairs, and feel a beer bottle smash into my head causing me to fall to the groud.

The last thing I hear is Keiji, "Dad stop! You're hurting them!"

I smile to myself before falling unconcious...


A/n: Alright! On like normal!

I can't help but let out a sob as I sit up. I see Keiji is looking at me with concern in his eyes knowing exactly what just happened.

I pull my knees up to my chest and can't help but feel helpless.

Keiji sits down next to me and pulls me into his chest, I cover my mouth to remain somewhat quiet as I cry into my big brothers arms, he's protecting me from myself and from other people. He's always done that. Bokuto has too.

They've always done whatever possible to keep me happy and healthy.

Unless... They couldn't.

I cry harder thinking about everything I've put Keiji through.

"Keiji..." I choke out.

He hums as to show me he's listening while he rubs my back and kisses the top of my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. For everything" I sob out at him.

"You should hate me..." I mumble loud enough for him to hear.

"Y/n. I don't hate you. Everything we've gotten through, we've gotten through together," He begins to stroke my hair while he talks, the vibrations through his chest calming me, "I understand you feel like everything that happened was your fault but I can assure you, it wasn't, it still isn't and it never will be."

I glance up and my brother noticing a few similarities in our features, I give him a weak smile and stand up holding out my hand for him.

He accepts it and stands up, "Thank you, Keiji. I don't know what I would do without you," I say to him as he looks down at me.

I see a small smile appear on his face and I look over to see the team drinking water and chatting amongst themselves.

I walk over to them with Keiji by my side, "Sorry guys..." I say to everyone rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed. They give me sad smiles to let me know it's okay.

The team had an idea of everything we went through but that was just because we were all so close. They were my family. I love all of them with my whole heart, I couldn't imagine what it would be like without them.

I head over to Bokuto who looks worried, as I approach him he stands up and wraps me into a hug, "Don't scare me like that again..." With that he kisses my forehead and holds onto me.

It's a strong hug, almost as if he feels like I could slip away at any momment.

I feel something wet fall onto my shoulder, I look up to see Bokuto crying. I look back down and hold onto him tighter.

"Bo..." I mumble.

"Y..yes?" He stutters his reply.

"I'm sorry, I love you." I say to him, and the moment those words left my mouth I felt a hand on my chin and a pair of soft lips crash onto mine.

I'm shocked by the action and before I can do anything he pulls away, "I...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," He says sadness in his eyes as he rubs his neck and looks at the ground, a blush creeping up onto his face.

I stand there unsure of what to do, my body begins to move and I feel like it's moving on it's own.

I rise onto my tippy toes and peck his cheek, floating back to my normal level walking over to talk to Konoha with a beet red face.

"Y/N?!" I hear Keiji say.

I cringe realizing everyone just saw that. I sigh and look up to the sky making a quick prayer before turning around to face my brother.

He doesn't look angry, he looks almost- relieved?

I feel a smile creep onto my face as I'm pulled into a hug by my brother hearing him whisper into my ear, "I'm glad you finally did something about how you feel," he mumbles into my ear.

I giggle and nod at him as I continue my walk over to Konoha, but before I turn around I see Bokuto looking at me with a dorky smile on his face.

I return his smile and walk my happy ass to Konoha, unsure of what just happened.

My smile fades as I hear a voice in the back of my head pipe up, 'What if you just ruined everything?"

Woah, two chapters in one night. Crazy. Anyway, same as usual don't be afraid to leave comments with ideas or suggestions and don't be afraid to pm (private message) me.


word count: 1208

[My Protector] Bokuto x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now