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I hang out with the boys almost every day after work. Sometimes I stay the night if it gets too dark to walk home. They've kind of become like brothers to me in a way. Jack seems to lead the group, like some sort of father figure. Davey is the mother hen, always making sure that everyone has gotten enough to eat and is following the rules. Though a tad dysfunctional, their family is a family, no doubt about it.

Les is currently filling me in on his day. Apparently he saw a big dog, ate a sandwich with pickles, and sold all his papers. He's a cute kid.

"Nope! Nope! Shirts on! Get out here we need to have a talk!" Davey's voice booms through the room. Everyone turns to look at him as he enters, Spot and Race following behind him. "Alright! Everyone, sit down." Davey orders. "We're already sitting-" Finch says, but Davey just rolls his eyes. "Okay. Time to lay some ground rules."

He stands in front of us, arms crossed. "First off. I know all of you are teenagers and capable of making your own decisions, but that doesn't mean that you get free range. Some people-" he glares at Spot and Race. "Make bad decisions. I know when you get in a relationship, you want to do things with the other person, but there are some limits in this household." Specs points out that Davey doesn't even live here, but Davey just ignores him.

"What's he talking about?" Les loudly whispers to me. I debate how to answer him, but Davey just points to the door and orders Les to leave. Les complains, but Davey isn't having any of it. Les leaves with a dramatic sigh, closing the door behind him.

"Alright. Now that the young child is gone, we can start talking about this. First off: no doing the devil's dance in this building. Do it elsewhere, but not here. And when you do it, use protection! That is very important. STDs are very serious, and I don't want any unexpected babies. I'm not ready to be a grandfather."

Jack and I look at each other. I think about arguing with him, saying that he is not technically a parent to any of us, but decide against it. Davey's on a roll, and who am I to stop him? "If you decide to make out, shirts stay on and the door stays open at all times. No debate. And don't try to be sneaky, I'll know. You are all terrible liars."

"So you're fine with us making out in front of you as long as the door is open?" Spot asks. Davey nods. "That would make you very uncomfortable." Spot adds. "Nope. You guys basically radiate horny, I'm immune to it by now."

Davey continues on his tirade, giving us a overly-detailed sex ed lesson. Most of us don't need this. Well, maybe except for Spot and Race. Those two are honry little goblins. Not the nicest way to say it, but absolutely true. They can't keep their hands off each other.

"One last thing. All of you must promise me that you will never do the canoodle at my house. Spot, Race, you have already violated this agreement and I still have not forgiven you for that. You're lucky my parents are very clueless."

Albert elbows Race, a smirk on his face. "We didn't even go all the way!" Race argues. "You went far enough." Davey says with disdain. He shivers at the memory, then brushes it off. "That does it for my sex ed lesson. If you guys need protection, I happen to know that there is a box of condoms under Finch's bed."

"Hey!" Finch calls out. "Why'd you have them? It's not like you ever need 'em." Jojo chuckles. "Well, at least I've used them more than you." They are about to continue arguing, but Davey breaks it up, putting his hands in between them. "Any questions?" he asks. Mike raises his hand, and Davey calls on him. "Is it true that girls can hypnotize men when they are on their period?" Davey shakes his head no, but I interrupt him.

"That is absolutely true. Jack can testify to that." Jack nods, going along with it. "I knew it!" 

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