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TW: sexual assault (not rape) and violence


I nervously fiddle with my necklace. I've been touching it just to remind me that I'll get out of here. The necklace grounds me, reminds me that there is hope. I need it now more than ever.

"Alex, can you hand me the big needle? I poke myself less with that one." Race asks. "You wouldn't poke yourself if you looked at what you were doing." I chuckle. I give him the large needle. Despite the size, I hear him yelp as he pokes himself a few moments later. I fight back a laugh. "Stupid needles. So tiny." he mumbles.

I grab a piece of clothing out of the pile next to me. I inspect them for a rip and find that the knee is completely torn. I cut some thread and put it through the eye of the needle, tying a knot at the end. I slowly push the needle through the fabric. I've sewed hundreds of holes and rips, and I could do it with my eyes closed. But then I hear one of the guards speak and my hand slips. "Ow!" I pull my hand back. Blood is welling on the pad of my finger.

I put my finger in my mouth and suck the blood away. The coppery taste makes my nose wrinkle, but I ignore it. "Hah! Who's not looking now?" Race mocks me. I roll my eyes at him. "I'm going to go wash it. I'll be right back." I push my chair out from the table and walk to the washroom.

The bathroom is quite unsanitary. The only light comes from a dusty window, with one of the panes broken. The floor is grimy, the toilets haven't been cleaned. All in all, it's rather disgusting. I turn on the faucet and brown water comes streaming out. I give it a moment to clear before putting my finger underneath. Once I'm sure that I've washed all the blood away, I switch the water off and leave the bathroom.

"Hello again." I nearly jump out of my own skin. The guard and his cronies are standing there, blocking my way out. My back is up against the wall. "Please, just let me get back to work." I force confidence into my voice even though I couldn't be more scared. "Why so eager to get away?" he crosses his arms and comes even closer. I can feel my heart beating too fast. I'm panicking, but if I panic, I can't think straight. I have to keep calm.

"I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm James." he waits for me to introduce myself but I stay silent. "Don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you." he smiles at me and my stomach turns. There is no friendliness in his words. "I don't want to cause any trouble. Let me get back to my work." Usually I would be able to put up a good fight, but the fact that I've barely had anything to eat in the last three days means I won't be able to get more than a few punches in.

"Y'know, you could get a much better job in here. You just have to do me a favor." he leans in closer. "I'm not doing you any favors. Now back off." James just chuckles, causing his cronies to chuckle too. They're like a pack of Hyenas, and I'm the prey. "I tried to ask nicely."

Before I know what's happening, his hands are pinning me to the wall. I can't breathe, I can't think. It's all too fast. I don't want this, don't want his hands on me. I know what he wants, what he's going to do. I hear myself telling him to stop, but it's just a faint echo. It's like I'm watching through someone else's eyes. His hands move down my shirt, buttons popping, too fast, too much, stop-

"GET AWAY FROM HER." The hands stop moving. They release me. I feel myself start to breathe again. I open my eyes, and I see Race standing there. His face is a mask of anger. His eyes are full of fire. His fists are clenched and he's ready for a fight. "This ain't none of your business, boy. I suggest you leave us be." James growls.

"This is my business. That's my friend you're trying to hurt. So get the fuck away from her before I punch your lights out." Race's voice is serious. He's not joking around. James stalks towards Race. "This is your last shot. Leave." James waits for Race to run off, but he doesn't. James cocks his head. He reaches into the side of his jacket and pulls out a small knife. He holds it loosely in his hands.

"We all get one of these when we start working here. To threaten those of you who misbehave. I haven't had to use it yet, but you seem like a good person to test it out on." He holds the knife to Race's throat.. I feel my heart leap into my chest. Race doesn't cower. He stares straight at James, his hands at his side. There is no evidence of any fear in his eyes.

James pushes the knife a little harder, drawing a line of blood. His cronies watch with amusement. "Race. Go. It's ok. Don't hurt him, alright?" I spit out. Both of them look at me. Race can't take all three of these guys. I know what they want from me. But I can't let Race die protecting me.

"Or I could kill him and take what I want anyway." he draws the knife back.

Time slows. I lunge forward. I grab Jame's hand and pull it back, away from Race. Then pain. So much pain. It feels like fire is running through my veins, red hot and burning. Then I'm falling





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