We'll Meet Again (I)

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Summary: they break up because the circumstances aren't right, but Louis assures they will meet again

Both boys were crying, embracing one another in a hug as they sat in the middle of Harry's room.

Things just weren't right. Louis was still struggling to accept his sexuality and they were too young to have a proper relationship, only 12 and 14. And it didn't help that Louis and his family were moving across the country.

Louis pulled back cupping Harry's face and warm, stinging tears filled his red eyes and spilled down his cheeks

"If we're meant to be, we'll meet again" he told Harry, but they both didn't believe him.

Harry was sobbing too hard to say anything back, instead Louis just placed a peck on his forehead, wiping the never ending tears away with his thumbs.

"Please stay" Harry stuttered out a sob, his chest feeling tight.

Louis hugged him once more, softly kissing the top of his head

"I'll see you later, I promise"

Harry held out his pinky. Louis linked his own with Harry's before he walked away softly, closing the door.

It's been 10 years, Louis is 24 and Harry is 22.

When Louis left 10 years ago, Harry didn't stop crying for weeks. His mum knew why and did everything in her power to make him feel better. Making him soup and watching his favorite movies with him.

And all that was great, but all he really wanted was Louis, and he was the only thing he couldn't have.

To be honest, he never really got over him, claiming he was his first love. His mum kept telling him that he was too young to be in love.

But 10 years later and that statement still stands.

Harry stood behind the counter of a bakery, giving change back to a little old man who bought a muffin.

He waved goodbye as the man shuffled out of the building across the black and white checkered floor.

Harry smiled as he leaned back against the display with cakes, muffins and breads, taking out his phone and mindlessly scrolling through social media

He heard the tingle of the bell above the door sound, so he walked towards the register, placing his phone in his pocket and giving the young couple a fake, customer service smile.

The boy had soft brown hair and a tight shirt on, his arm slung around the thin frame of the girl who stood beside him. The girl had long dark hair and a cream coloured fur jacket on. Thick black sun glasses took up half of her face.

He smiled at them as they looked through the clean glass at all the baked goods that sat in stacks.

The girl pointed at a pink cupcake that was in the center of the display.

"Hello, can we get the pink cupcake and a blueberry muffin please?" The boy asked

"Yeah, of course" Harry replied, grabbing the metal tongs that sat on a white plate on the counter.

He grabbed 2 small boxes and placed each baked good in the boxes. As he was doing this, he saw the boy was watching him rather attentively, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

He picked up the 2 boxes and set them on the counter, sliding them to the couple. The boy gave Harry the money with a smile.

"Have a great day" Harry said to the couple

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