Mr. Lover Man

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Summary: Harry was in love with Louis, but they break up. Harry is heart broken and drunk calls Louis.

The day they met, he was happy.

He didn't know how he lived his life up until now without him.

The day Louis asked him to be his boyfriend was the best day of his life.

He was so in love with this boy.

Everything was too good to be true, everything was....perfect.

Things got difficult, but he had no doubt they could get through it.

He was wrong

The night Louis walked into his room and broke his heart was the last day Harry had ever felt genuine happiness.

"I don't think we should do this anymore, I'm sorry"

Those words haunted him to this day, and he never understood why.

He was so used to having him as his number one, he didn't realize how bad he needed him until he was gone.

'I want him to be happy' is what Harry told himself through tears

'And if hes happy without me, I have to learn to be happy too'

That brings us to now. 5 years later. The band is broken up, unknown to the fans, a permanent hiatus. Harry is still heartbroken

Harry is curled up in bed. Its 3am and hes sobbing quietly under the sheets. This is what his night normally looks like.

He was always urged to tell his friends about what happened, why he was so different. Ed had convinced him.

He told him everything, from the day they started dating to the day they broke up.

Ed looked down at his fingers, picking at his nails and smirked slightly

"I don't know what to tell you mate. That was what? 5 years ago? And you're still upset about it? You're acting like a hormonal teenager, you have to get over him" he said

Harry let out a shaky breath and stood up

"Where are you going?" Ed asked

"Home. I really trusted you with this Ed" he said through suppressing a stuttered sob

Ed shrugged

He walked outside into the blistering heat and drove off.

He drove to wherever the car took him, which just so happened to be the nearest bar.

One shot turned into 5, which turned into 10. Before he knew it he was wasted, and as high as a kite.

Grinding bodies were all around him, sweat and hands roaming his body. Everything was a blur, he was mixed with emotions.

He blared out the lyrics of the songs playing, completely unaware of his surroundings. He didn't even know what bar he was at anymore.

"Harry? Is that you? Oh my god Sophia, look its him!" A girl shouted

Several girls surrounded him, he was so out of it that he just continued dancing.

"He looks really drunk" one girl said. The group agreed.

They called him a taxi and told the driver to go to the nearest hotel

The last thing Harry remembers before blacking out in the taxi was screaming and crying into his phone.

I Cant Help Falling In Love With You {L.S}Where stories live. Discover now