I Hate That I Love You

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Summary: Louis leaves Harry for Eleanor and Harry is heart broken, but is there something that isn't being said?

Harry ran out of the room, tears silently pouring out of his eyes and down his face. He walked down the cold dark hallway. His body shaking as he let's out a whimper.

"H, you alright" Niall says, poking his head out of his room

Harry just let out another whimper and kept walking to his room

Niall furrowed his eyebrows and silently followed the sobbing boy

"Harry, what happened" Niall asked quietly. His disheveled hair and dopey eyes making it obvious that he had just woken up

Harry tried to speak but all that came out was a silent cry. Rivers of tears streamed down his face and he had a pounding headache.

"H-he broke u-up with me" Harry sobbed in stutters

Nialls jaw dropped

"What do you mea-" he started, not believing what he was hearing

He was cut off by a loud sob coming from Harry.

Niall silently leaned forward embracing the crying boy in a tight hug. They stayed like that for hours until Harry fell asleep. That's when Niall started crying.

It was just a few tears, but he couldn't help it. Harry and Louis had gone through so much, and he thought they could finally be happy, but now Louis does this? Niall was infuriated at Louis and felt terrible for Harry who was sleeping with puffy eyes.

The next morning he was woken up to Harry silently crying beside him, and that's how he spent the rest of the day. Harry refused to get out of bed, and he never stopped crying. Louis locked his door and didn't answer his phone.

"What happened" Liam asked tentatively to Zayn and Niall

"They broke up" Niall said softly rubbing his temples, still not really believing it

"What" Zayn almost whispered

That's when Niall broke down in tears in sympathy for Harry

"T-they've been through s-so much shit-" he started. Liam sat down with him on the floor and cradled him in his arms, followed by Zayn

"He doesn't deserve this" he cried

It's been 4 years since they broke up. About a week later they suggested a break to their management team because they couldn't focus on singing. Ever since then they hadn't been in the band.

Harry and Louis hadn't talked since that day.

Harry was laying on his bed, his face pressed into the pillow, wet with tears. Even though it all happened 4 years ago he was still tremendously upset, and caught himself reliving the moment and crying from time to time

His phone rang and he picked it up

"Hi" he said, sitting up reluctantly and wiping his tears

"Hey H, how are you" Nialls voice spoke softly through the phone

"Same old" he replied

There was a silence through the line for a while

"Have you checked your email lately?" Niall asked


"Maybe you should" Niall said softly with a hint of worry in his voice

"I should go, Im coming over later today too, but check your email soon. I love you so much okay?" Niall said

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