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Summary: Louis has online school and Harry distracts him

Louis was walking home from the grocery store in the middle of the night.

"So much for an early night" he mumbled to himself as he trudged through the thick, wet slush that covered the pavement beneath his feet.

His arms began to get tired from holding the white plastic bags, filled with chips and fruit. He neared his house and placed the bags against the wall of his house looking for his key.

"Shit, where'd it go?" He cursed quietly. He must have dropped it on his way back

A shiver ran through his body as a cold gust of wind ripped through the air

"Shit!" He yelled, more to himself

His head snapped backwards as he heard a twig snap in the forest behind him.

Suddenly someone jumped out of the bushes causing Louis to let out a small  yelp

"Niall, what the fuck? You almost gave me a heart attack!" He stated in relief

"Hey now, don't be a tit" Niall replied with a cheeky smile

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked

"Well, Harry was going to come but his sister needed his help with something. He sent me here for moral support" he shrugged

"For mor- why do I need moral support?" He had no clue

"Online classes start tomorrow" Niall replied

"And you think I need moral support? I'm not in highschool anymore Ni, I think I can manage" he laughed

"Well I can leave if you want?" Niall suggested

"No, no you dont have to leave. I kinda......kinda lost my key. Do you still have that extra one I gave you a while back?" Louis asked

Niall threw his head back laughing his obnoxious trademark laugh

"Shut up" Louis pouted

Niall pulled out his key and handed it to Louis

"Help me bring in the grocery Ni" Louis said


*a few hours later*

"So you have everything ready for tomorrow? Is your computer charged? Do you have extra paper and pens? Have you set your alarm clock?" Niall asked

"Yes you little cunt" Louis replied exaustedly

"Ok, just making sure" Niall raised his hands in defense

"I'll get going now, you look tired and I dont want you falling asleep in tomorrow's class" Niall said standing up and stretching

"Ok, see you later. Thanks for coming, I feel alot better now" Louis rolled his eyes

"Is that sarcasm Tommo?" Niall replied laughing

Louis didn't reply, instead he laughed and said his goodbyes to his friend

"Oh and Ni?" He called out his door

"Tell H I said thanks"

"Tell him yourself you oaf, you have his number" Niall called back

Louis rolled his eyes and closed the door, and rolled into bed

Snuggling into his pillow, he grabbed his phone from his bedside table and began checking social media. He went to messages and his thumb hovered over Harry's name.

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