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I think I might go into a coma today. We have to take on Mamoswine Road and I don't believe I am ready for the perpetual blizzard of that route. I wish we could just fly there, or take a train. It would save a lot of time and trouble. It doesn't help that two days ago I got frostnip from staying over in that cave. It's just mostly better now but I do not want to go through that again.

It's evening time, about five, and right now we are standing inside the gateway that leads to the route and the abrupt change in temperature.  I'm dressed extremely warmly, two pair of everything. Averie is sitting safely in my backpack, though I don't think she'll mind the weather very much. Eevee are very adaptable.

"Come on guys," Peridot's muffled voice announces. He doesn't sound too eager. "Let's get to Anistar City before it gets too dark." He's dressed as warmly as me, maybe even more. Only his bright green eyes are visible along with a few tufts of blonde hair.

"He's right," Cerise exclaims. She's in her dress coat thing again, but this time she has pants instead of tights. I think she's getting smarter as the days go by. "Maybe we'll make it in time to challenge the gym leader!"

"Then let's go people." That was Russet. He's standing next to be a little too close for comfort. Our arms are almost touching. It's terribly obvious he likes me and his advances have been getting quite bold lately. Though Akia once told me I considered saying hello to be bold so that may not be saying much. I would never date Russet. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, which I'm willing to bet is pretty far.

We step into blustering wind and frigid air of Route 17. It's colder than I remember, and the snow is packed even higher. Maybe a foot or so.

I try to focus on anything but the cold. How I should have tired back my hair to keep it from blowing in my face. How red Peridot's face, the little that I can see, already is. How Jasper only has a light coat and hat. Why the hell does he only have that on?! Isn't he cold?

Down the short slope leading to the packed up snow are six Mamoswine, though we've decided to only use two: one for Jasper and Peridot and one for the rest of us. If you ask me, that's extremely unfair.

We approach and choose the first two we come to. "How do you get on top of this thing," Cerise asks. I close my eyes and-

I'm knocked back into the snow again. I can't get on top of this thing. It's twice my height even if it does bend down.

There's something thrown at the back of my head. A snowball, thankfully. "I could do this when I was four, Sienna," my mom growls at me. "Get on that Mamoswine right now!"

I take a deep breath. My hands are really numb, even with gloves on. I've come to realize they don't work. The Mamoswine bends back down and tilts its head. I grab onto the curved part of its tusk and pull myself onto the flat part. I take another breath. There's supposed to be two natural grooves on the Pokémon, but where it is, there's a piece of fur that of you pull or grab it, the Mamoswine'll shake you off.

I carefully move my arm across to look for it. I don't know why I can't do it when they're looking. It's not like it's hard. When I'm with Akia or Sage I can do it, but not them. I guess I'm just scared.

I find the groove meaning that the second is a little bit below. I move my left into the groove then my right hand next to my left. I move that same hand up and grip onto the soft fur on the Pokémon's back. I put my right for where my left hand was and pull myself the rest of the way up. I breath a sigh of relief.

"Just like that?" That's Peridot. I notice that I'm on top of the Mamoswine. Must've done it when I spaced out. Jasper is also on top of a Mamoswine. He must have some previous experience. Peridot does the steps for getting on to a Mamoswine, minus the last few because Jasper pulls him the rest of the way up. "That was easy,"  Peridot says happily. Jasper nods, a hint of a smile on his lips. The two of us walk Cerise and Russet through the process and with a minute or two, we're off.

Unstable [Pokémon Fanfic] (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now