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"Jasper," a quiet little voice calls out. It's Peridot. Jasper's expression softens when he sees his friend. He has finally been released from the hospital but he didn't look too happy. He has on a gray hat and there's a slightly visible line of stitches going diagonally across his forehead. The hat obscures most of it.

Jasper pulls Peridot into a hug. "Why didn't you choose and see me? It got pretty boring in there."

"Nurse Joy wouldn't let me in," he whispers. "I tried to convince her, but she wouldn't let me... Are you mad at me?"

Jasper leans back. "Am I mad at you? About what?"

"It's my fault you got hurt," Peridot says softly.

"Why do you think that," Jasper asks. "Wait, I don't even wanna know cuz you shouldn't think that. You haven't did anything wrong, okay." He smiles. I think that's the first time I've ever seen him smile. He has more of a resemble to Russet when he does.

Peridot smiles back. That's the first time in a few days. "Okay."

"How are you feeling Jazz," Cerise asks. Jasper frowns again though I think that's only his default expression.

"I'm feeling alright. My head still kinda hurts but other than that I'm good." He pauses and looks at Peridot. "By the way, where's Malachi?" Everyone shrugs.

"I don't know," Cerise says. "I haven't seen him since yesterday. Sienna, you didn't find him anywhere?" I shake my head. She sighs. "I wonder where he could've gone..."

Jasper sits down on the couch in the Center, Peridot close behind. "Russet," Jasper says. "Where's Timo?" Russet has been standing in the background, arms folded and an upset look on his face.

"In my pocket," the rusty haired boy answers. "Why? What do you want?"

"I want my Pokémon back," Jasper responds. "I caught him myself so I should get to keep him."

Russet's eyes darken. "No. You're not ready for a Pokémon. You're too immature."

Jasper looks incredulously at his half brother. "I'm too immature?! You took Timo for no good reason! Just cuz I used your Pokéball doesn't mean you own it!"

Russet takes the Pokéball from his pocket. Jasper speaks again. "See! You already have six Pokémon with you and it isn't lighting up red." Russet keeps his upset expression... You know what, this is too much.

I walk over to Russet who looks at me confused. I then snatch the Pokeball from his hand and give it to Jasper. "I'm just about done with this pettiness," I say mostly to Russet since he's the oldest. "Let the boy have a Pokémon." Russet glares at me but I ignore him. He should really not try to intimidate me. Who knows what he might do.

"Thanks Sienna," Jasper says. He still hesitates on my name. I guess he's still not entirely sure what it is.

"You're welcome."

"Whatever," Russet says before walking away.

"What's his problem," Jasper asks one he's gone. Cerise answers.

"He's been bitchy for the last three days.",

"More like for the last three years," Jasper mutters.

"But you've only known him for two," Cerise says.

"I can make a guess," is his response. He turns his attention back to Peridot and smiles slightly. "Hey, Perry! Wanna have a battle?"

"But I'm not good at battles" Peridot responds.

"That's okay. I'm not that good either. It'll just be for fun." Peridot doesn't look convinced but eventually he follows Jasper to the back.

"Sienna," Cerise says once we're alone. "Would you mind coming with me to do something?"

"Sure," I say. "What is it?"

"Well, since I know Russet doesn't care and Perry's too shy, I'm going to go report Malicai missing."

"Oh." The two of us go across town to the police station and give them a description of the boy. Malicai Olivine. Shoulder length brown hair, pale green eyes, glasses, age 14, about 5'6", last seen wearing an orange shirt, black jacket and jeans, been missing for about 15 hours.

"Thank you," Officer Jenny says. "We hope to find your friend very soon."

"Thank you," we both say as we leave the station.

"I hope he's alright," Cerise says. "I don't know what I'd do if-" She stops talking abruptly and glares at a group of kids sitting outside of a café. Russet is one of them. There are four others.

There's a red haired girl, literally she has bright scarlet hair, with hazel eyes. She looks about our age, maybe a little older, and is glaring back at Cerise. Next to her is a boy with curly blond hair who also has hazel eyes. He has a Jolteon sitting at his feet.

Across from him is a very pale black haired girl with bright blue eyes who's dressed... strangely to say the least. She's wearing a long, loose fitting, black dress. Next to her is a rosy faced blonde, this time a little girl. She also has brownish-gold eyes and looks about six or seven. She's wearing a pale pink and white dress with a matching hat and is sitting in a booster seat.

"Canna," Cerise says.

"Cerise," the scarlet haired girl, Canna, says. "Long time no see. How's it been going?"

Cerise still frowns at the girl. "Don't act like you care."

"But I'm not acting. I really do care. Not much, but I care." She pauses and smirks. "Battle, right now."

Cerise's expression doesn't change. "You asked for it." Canna stands up and walks about twenty feet away from Cerise.

"This'll be a two-on-two battle," Canna says. "Adon, you're the referee."

The blonde boy with the Jolteon, Adon, gets up from the table and stands between Canna and Cerise.

"Prepare your ass Cerise," Canna yells. "Cuz it's mine now!"

"I'm a better trainer than you'll ever be," Cerise yells back.

"Oh really? Ha! Who told you that? You wish you could be as good as me!" She grabs a Pokéball from the belt of skirt. "Prepare to die! Mwahahaha!"

...Oh great. More crazy people.

Unstable [Pokémon Fanfic] (Complete!)Where stories live. Discover now