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Sienna's P.O.V.

"You need to work on your disguise skills." I glare at Akia, even though she's right. All my disguise consists of is a hoodie to hide my face... I was pressed for time okay.

Valerie is with Akia and is holding Averie in her arms. "Have you ever thought about evolving her," she asks me. Personally, I don't feel that this is a major issue at the moment.

I answer anyway. "I have, but I'm not sure. If Averie does evolve, I'd like her to be an Espeon."

We're hiding out in the forest behind the Pokémon League castle. Normally people aren't allowed back here, but being with Valerie gives us a pass.

"Those 'friends' of yours," Akia begins. "Any of 'em challenging the league right now?"

"Of note, one. Well, Sage is too." She frowns.

"So that means the other three are probably watching them right now, right?"

"It's not them we need to be worried about." I want to take Averie back from Valerie. I realize that I squeeze her when I'm... pretty much anything. Tired, happy, upset. She's my comfort.

"What do you mean?" Akia is playing with her hair. She said she wants to cut it. Honestly, I think it'd suit her.

"Jasper is eight and has an I-couldn't-possibly-give-a-fuck-even-if-I-tried type attitude. Peridot is Peridot. I think he'd be too scared to do anything if he knew."

"Russet's the one you said was obsessed with you," Akia said, interrupting me. She smirks. "I think he's in love with you."

"I don't think I'm interested."

"You're not interested in anything." Akia takes Averie from Valerie and pets her. "Who's a good murderer? You are, precious little thing! Thank you so much." Averie looks uncomfortable. Well, I mean Akia is praising her for murdering our grandfather.

"Vera is the one we need to worry about," I say. "I think she already guessed I was related to Wulfric. She recognized me when I first saw her."

"Really," Akia says. "What's she look like?"

"A hex maniac." Valerie and Akia are both really quiet.

"A Hex Maniac? Those girls are insane!"

"Not much more than we are," Valerie says softly.

Akia and I scoff. We are not insane. Well I'm not. Akia can seem a little off some times, but me? No, I'm perfectly sane.

"Hmm," Akia begins. "It'll be a little hard to find her with just that info. Was she traveling with anyone?"

"Yeah, two of them are challenging the league right now. The other's a fairy tale girl."

"...You're kidding right?" I shake my head. "Alright, I'll do what I can to locate her. Meanwhile, I have another plan to put into action!"

"I'm listening."

She grins rather, um, creepily. "I need you to flirt with Russet."

I stare at her. "Excuse me?!"

"I need you to flirt with Russet. He's what, like eleven or twelve. It won't be hard to manipulate him."

"W-what?! I don't... I don't, um huh? Manipulate him to do what?"

"To trust you. Well actually we need him to not think you're a murderer. For the moment, that's your task."

"For the moment?"

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