Final Author's Note!

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If you are reading this, thank you. Thank you! ありがとう! Grazie! Danke! Merci! Gracias! Salamat! And whatever other language you may speak! You read my entire story and managed to deal with the 50 million typos and errors throughout. You seriously deserve an award.

Also, while we're talking about typos, I plan to go back and correct all of them, or at least 90%, before tonight. *sigh* Wish me luck.

I really really hope you enjoyed this. I mean, you read this far so you must've at least felt something towards it. This story ended a lot differently than I originally planned. For starters, Sienna was just gonna be a crazy serial killer who thought adults were out to kill her. ^^

So, a sequel? Well, I kinda set you up for one and I have the beginnings of a plot working out in my head but I'm not sure if I should write it. If i do, gonna be called Unpredictable. It's also gonna be told in Sienna's P.O.V. and it's gonna follow her playing out her and Akia's insane master plan. Sage and Valerie are going to be recurring characters but Sage especially. Jasper, Lisian, and Peridot are also gonna be pretty major as well as few more characters, both original and in game. And if I decide to write it, which I most likely will, I'll be accepting more O.C.'s.

So we got the characters, but what's the plot? Simple, Kalos fell into a civil war trying to find a new leader since Wulfric was basically the dictator and his heir, Sage, is ten. Jasper and Lisian are a part of a group who wants the other regions to help sort this all out, and they were assigned to go to Johto for help. Umm, I know that's not really plot as much as just information but it's more than I had when I first started Unstable.

Unpredictable is coming out, of I decide to do it, in late November, early December (some time around then). Updates may not be as stable as Unstable (I'm sorry, I had too) but I'll get her done! I promise!

But yeah, I owe each and every one of you my eternal gratitude. Thanks so much for reading and if you want, just leave a comment or pm me and I'll go check your story. And despite the simplicity of this story's, I think I'm pretty decent at making covers. I could give you some tips or maybe even design one for you. I just want to pay you guys back I'm anyway I can.

Well that's pretty much it. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you tune in for the sequel! (Yeah, I'm gonna write it, maybe ^^' )

And for the millionth and final time, thanks. See you guys soon! Goodbye for now~~~!!!

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