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Coming into Geosenge Town, it looks like a normal, peaceful little village, but when you walk further in, it looks like a war zone. A few years ago an evil organization called Team Flare tried to destroy every human. Their base or HQ was located underground in Geosenge. There was a group of kids, I think five, who stopped Team Flare. Honestly, what type of world do we live in where children stop evil organizations?

Because of our encounters with the Eevee, it's late in the afternoon when we arrived. The sky is a dark blue and gold. Immediately we went to the Pokemon Center. Cerise, her Eevee Fyn, and her Fletchinder Silex needed medical attention badly. Russet suggested that we go walk around town, which is what we're doing now. Malachi isn't with us though. He stayed with Cerise. I think they might be dating.

We're walking down this passageway through some trees in the back of town. I have Averie in my arms. She seems to enjoy being carried.

At the end of the pathway, I can see a group of large stones stacked up on top of each other.

"They say this was the entrance to Team Flare's headquarters," Russet says, "Though no one can get in anymore."

"If we can't get in then why did you bring us here," Jasper asks Russet still doesn't know about his Eevee. I don't think he would be too happy if he did.

"I just wanted to show you is all. Besides, it's not much to do in this town. We're stuck here until Nurse Joy lets Cerise and her Pokemon go."

Jasper's shoulders sag. "Great... But isn't there a huge hole in the middle of town? Why don't we go explore that?"

"Jazz," Russet says, "That's illegal."

Jasper frowns. "For the last time, don't call me Jazz." That's funny. I thought I heard Peridot call him Jazz this morning. He didn't seem to have a problem with it then.

Russet doesn't look too happy. "Then gimme my Eevee Jasper."

"What Eevee," he asks. "What do you mean?"

"That Eevee you caught with my Pokeball. Give it to me." Well, looks like I was wrong about Russet not knowing. He's smarter than he looks.

Jasper looks away and folds his arms. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh really?"

Jasper moves his hands to his pocket. This makes Russet's expression harden. He reaches down to his belt and pulls out a Pokeball.

"Kira, come out." The Pokeball pops open sending out a blue beam of energy. When it dissipates, a female Pikachu is standing there. She looks at her trainer, awaiting his command.

"Kira, use Thunder Wave on Jasper." The mouse Pokemon looks confused.

"What do you mean use Thunder Wave on me?!"

"Kira, now," is all Russet says. Kira turns to Jasper. Her red cheeks spark and a zig-zagging line of electricity is shot straight at her target. He tries to jump out of the way but he isn't nearly fast enough. The electricity covers Jasper, making him unable to move.

Russet walks up to the paralyzed boy and reaches into the pocket of his half brother's short sleeve blue hoodie. That kind of defeats the purpose of a hoodie doesn't it. Having it short sleeved that is.

Russet pulls out a Pokeball and calls out the creature inside. The pinkish furred Eevee comes into being. Russet picks it up.

"What's his name," he asks no one in particular.

"Timo," I say. I don't know why. I shoot a look, a sort of 'I'm sorry' to Jasper. He sees me but didn't exactly make any type of response.

"Timo," he repeats, "Well Timo for the time being you're with me. Come on guys." He starts walking away with Kira following at his heels.

"So you're just gonna leave me here," Jasper yells.

"The paralysis should wear off in an hour or two. I'll be expecting to see you at the Pokemon center by then."

Russet hasn't stopped walking. His voice has no emotion. Is that how mine sounds? Dead. No, it can't even be called that. More like someone who has never even experienced  life. It's nerve racking. I see why Jasper is so uneasy around me.

"Sienna, Perry," Russet says, "You comin'?"

I start walking without hesitation but Peridot looks back at his friend. I can see the silent exchange of words. Then Peridot starts to follow me.

I look ahead at Russet who is far away. While anyone else might disagree, I honestly like this side of him. This serious and threatening side is a large contrast to the carefree attitude I've been exposed to for the last day. He should be like this more often. It seems more real. Like he actually knows what the world is about  Still, I wonder what set him off like this. He doesn't seem like the one to get worked up over one little thing.

I say I like this attitude of Russet, but I know I wouldn't if it were directed at me. I hope he never shows this side of him to me. If he does then he'll have to ask the three people that can't answer what will happen to him. That would be a real shame. Actually no. It would just be apart of life. It was going to happen eventually anyway.

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