Chapter Twenty

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Aelin sent out a blast of fire into Hunt, who deflected it with a reinforced forearm. This, however, was just the distraction. While he was occupied defending her attack, Feyre lashed out with her mind magic. Though Aelin had no idea how she did it, Hunt crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Aelin ripped the ridiculous spectacles from her face. "Alright. That's that." She prodded Hunt with the toe of her boot. "You sure you can keep him down?"

Feyre nodded, grabbing onto her arm and Hunt's foot. "You ready to go?"

Aelin nodded, and they disappeared in a swirl of shadows. She squeezed her eyes shut tight; still not used to that unsettlingly familiar darkness.

They reappeared in a familiar home, and Bryce nearly fell off her stool. "What the fuck-"

"You know, that's exactly what he said," Aelin said casually, kicking Hunt in the stomach. He groaned. "Look what happened to him."

"You fucking bitches," she snarled, grabbing a gun from the table. "What the fuck did you do to him?"

Aelin tutted. "No need for violence, Quinlan." She spent a spear of invisible, burning-hot flame towards the weapon, and it melted to a pile of ore on the ground. Bryce swore again, hissing as her hand burned an angry red.

"What the fuck do you mean, "no need for violence"? You fucking knocked Hunt out!"

"Technically, he's not knocked out," Feyre interjected. "I have his mind under my control."

Bryce gaped at her. "What the fuck did you just say?"

Aelin raised her hands. "Look, in a gesture of our good intentions..." She shot a look at Feyre. She directed an icy gaze at Hunt, who awoke with a shuddering gasp.

"Bitch," he hissed at Aelin, his grey wings flaring wide.

Aelin sighed, rolling her eyes. "You really need to come up with better insults. 'Bitch' is wearing kind of thin."

Hunt jumped to his feet, a low growl ripping from his throat. Lightning crackled at his fingertips. Bryce pulled a large knife from a block on the kitchen bench.

Aelin huffed. "Do I need to spell it out for you? We. Come. In. Peace." She emphasized each word.

Feyre stepped forward, a slightly less evil look on her face than Aelin. "I know we haven't met on the best of terms, but this is serious. Bryce, you didn't listen to us before. But I am going to say it again, and hope you listen." She took a deep breath. "My name is Feyre Archeon. I am High Lady of the Night Court, and come from another world called Prythian. My world is in danger, and I need the Star's help."

Bryce laughed, dark and full of mirth. "Yeah, we've heard that story before."

Aelin could practically feel the heat radiating from Feyre. "Do you seriously not believe me? Even after that memory I put in your mind?"

Bryce shook her head. "I don't know what the fuck you put in my head, but I know its a fucking lie."

Feyre threw a helpless look at Aelin. She sighed. "Look. Either you work with us, or we will force you to."

"And how will you do that?" Hunt teased, his eyes bloodthirsty and full of carrion.

Aelin grinned at him. "Oh, there are plenty of ways. Torture, both mental and physical, killing your loved ones, destroying your home..."

Feyre shot her a warning look. "I understand if you don't believe us. I wouldn't, either. But please. We need the help of the Star."

Hunt hissed at her, "maybe grovel at my feet, and I might reconsider."

Aelin leaned over to Feyre, whispering loudly in her ear. "Can I please stab him?"

"No, Aelin."

"But what if-wait, hear me out. What he  accidently trips over and my knife accidently into his gut-"

"I'm fairly sure that's still stabbing him, Aelin."

Aelin stuck her tongue out at her. "You ruin all my fun."

Feyre looked back at Hunt and Bryce, who watched them with pure hatred. "I will not beg for anything," she said coldly, raising her chin. "But I am asking you for your help. For the sake of my world, and yours."


They waited in silence for their reply. Bryce and Hunt looked at each other, having a silent conversation with their eyes. Hunt turned back at them, drawing another gun from the holster at his hip. "Even if you are telling the truth, what do we have to do to help you?"

Feyre sucked on her teeth. "That's the thing. We don't know."

"See? I knew they were lying!" Bryce cried. "They can't even finish their own faery-tale!"

Aelin could see the steam blowing from Feyre's ears. "Is this all a joke to you? Is the fall of my home, my world, a fucking joke?" She advanced on them, and fire began to burn at her fingertips, claw-like nails made of pure flame bursting into life. "My family, friends and people could all be killed- for all we know, they could all be dead already!" She was shouting now, and Aelin felt the mood shift from uneasy to dangerous. "I never asked for this. All I wanted was to live a life with my mate and my court. And if we don't get the help we need from you, then we're all dead!"

She panted as silence greeted her rant. She took a calming breath, closing her eyes as her fire disappeared.

Bryce and Hunt stared at them. Aelin couldn't read what they were thinking. Finally, Bryce slowly put her knife back on the counter. Her amber eyes were filled with suspicion, but also defeat. "What do you need."

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