Chapter Two

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I screamed, her back arching as bolts of lightning struck through her body. My mouth gaping, my hair standing on end, I could barely breathe through the pain.

Then, as soon as the pain had come, it disappeared.

I panted, slumping in my chair. Aelin was yelling at me from somewhere to my left, but I could barely lift my head.

"You bastards!" She yelled, her chair banging against the white floor as she tried to escape her restraints. "Why the hell would you do that?"

A male, deep voice echoed from nowhere. "Give us your name, or it happens again."

I tensed, waiting for the terrible, shocking agony to come-

"Wait!" Aelin cried. "My name... My name is Celaena Sardothien." Smart girl. Not using her real name. "This is my sister, Aleah Sardothien. Just don't hurt her anymore."

The voice paused, and then said, "Sardothien? Not in the files, I'm afraid. So, either this is a fake name, or you're not from around here."

Aelin laughed, a low, wicked sound. "Trust me. That name is not made up. And we aren't from around here." She cocked her head. "Actually, where is here?"


I croaked, "Celaena."

Aelin's head turned towards me, relief flooding her eyes. "Thank gods. If you had died, Rhysand would've had my head handed to him a silver platter. Though, that would have been amusing to see him try."

I took in our surroundings for the first time; white-washed walls, no visible doors or windows. The stench of cleaning fluids shoved its way up my nose.

The distinctly male voice floated through the room again. "If you tell us all we want to know, then we won't electrocute your sister anymore."

Aelin sighed, rolling her eyes. "How about this: you get to ask three questions, and I will answer all of them honestly. If you refuse my generous offer, I will proceed to kick all of your asses."

The voice chuckled darkly. "This that a threat?"

"Is that a coward too afraid to face me?" Aelin inspected her nails.

A low growl. "Fine. We'll play your little game. Where did you come from?"

"A very pretty place. Lots of rivers and mountains and such. Oooh, and don't forget the bats!" She grinned at me, and I managed a weak smile back. Aelin turned with a knowing look to where that voice was coming from. "The bats are pretty annoying, actually." She snorted. "Self-loving pricks."

"That is not an answer-"

"Two questions left!" Aelin trilled over the top of the male.

"Don't test me-"

"Or what?" Aelin teased, and sent a tiny flicker of power to my feet. My barely-there gasp was all the confirmation Aelin needed to know her magic worked. "You'll "zap" my friend again? Yeah, I don't know if that will work."

I lifted my legs from the steaming water bowl, my shackles, the odd strings and water melted to nothing but air. I wriggled my toes mockingly, grinning.

"How did you-"

Aelin sighed. "Bor-ing. Come on, next question! This is fun."

The voice swore. "Fine. How did you make that portal?"

Aelin shrugged. "No idea. Next question."


"Last question! Use it wisely."

There was some more violent swearing. "Last question: why are you here?"

Aelin arched a brow, a smirk playing on her lips. "To help save your sorry asses."

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