Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"So," he seethed. "What the fuck are you doing in my treasure vault?" Aelin quicky slipped the jar into the hidden pockets of her skirts.

"Well, funny story actually," Aelin started, reaching for a knife in her bodice, when several guns lifted and pointed in their direction. She slowly raised both hands to shoulder height, a brow arched.

"That wouldn't be the wisest move, Miss Galathynius," he replied, his face full of rage, humiliation and carrion. "Now, why don't you tell me how you got in here? And why you used Bryce Quinlan to help?"

"It was such a very simple plan, you see," Aelin said, shrugging. "I'm honestly surprised you didn't expect anything when your daughter asked for some invitations."

"She isn't my daughter," he spat. Out of the corner of her eye, Aelin watched as Bryce flinched, too quick to be seen by the others. "You know what, I don't care. Since our cells obviously can't hold them, lets just throw them to the wolves."

Taking quick action, Aelin flung out a palm, calling forth her power...

But nothing happened.

Panic ran down her throat like warm blood as Feyre glanced at her, shaking her head slowly.

"As you may have noticed," the Autumn King said coolly, "magic doesn't work in here. There really is no point in resisting."

She was out of ideas. So were Feyre, Bryce and Hunt, it seemed. "Look, we didn't want to cause any harm. Well, more than we already have-" Feyre tried, but the Autumn King cut her off.

"Shut your mouth, whore. Take these snakes out of my sight." More guards appeared behind him, walking slowly towards the two females.

Anger bubbling in her, Aelin's mind quickly formed an escape plan. "Fine. We're coming." Though the King looked surprised, he quickly smothered it with a smooth smirk.

Feyre shot her a what are you doing? look, but Aelin gave her a quick nod. Trust me.

Aelin and Feyre both let the guards forcefully yank their arms behind their backs. The shoved them towards Bryce and Hunt. As they neared the King, however, that snarky smile still on his face, Aelin whispered to him, "do you wanna know the thing about snakes?"

He arched a brow.

She gave him a grin that bared her elongated canines. "We have fangs." Faster than he could react, she spat a small blade from her mouth, hidden under her tongue where her lock-picking kit had been. He cried, blood spurting from his face as the blade lodged itself deep in his eye.

Feyre took that cue to disarm and knock out the guards holding her, Aelin quickly doing the same. The other guards had dropped Bryce and Hunt, shooting bullets wildly.

Fun fact: Fae can move faster than bullets.

Dodging, ducking and manoeuvring, Aelin sprinted towards the guards, slicing one open with a knife and lodging a dagger deep in the other's gut. Hunt grabbed a gun from a fallen guard, down the other guards that came running.

"Get out of here!" Bryce yelled, stomping her foot into a guards crotch. "We've got this!"

Clutching the jar- the weapon- tight in her hand, Aelin latched onto Feyre as a fresh swarm of guards sprinted towards them, bullets hailing down on them.

Just say the word.

"Take me home!" Feyre yelled over the firing of bullets, dust raining down from the ceiling. The Autumn King screamed as they were enveloped in bright red light, a strange, warm feeling overcoming Aelin's body.

Before Bryce's face could disappear, Aelin gave her a quick nod, thanking her for her help. Perhaps if they had met under different circumstances, they could have been friends.

Bryce's bright eyes were the last thing she saw before light engulfed her.

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