Chapter Seventeen

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Aelin sighed, running her hands through her hair. She flopped onto the bed, bubbles rising around her. "Well, we're safe. For now."

I sat at the little desk, braiding back my floating hair. Pearls were drapped across the cracking glass, and in the reflection I saw Mer and other creatures of the deep swimming past the window. "Let's just hope no-one wipes away your spell."

Aelin shrugged, her tail flicking. "I'm not too concerned. I can hold my breath for quite a long time, actually."

I sighed, swimming off the little stool and over to the window. I leant on the frame, crossing my arms. The Mer city was beautiful, seeming to be a sunken, ancient metropolis. Aelin and I were in a large, spacious, old-fashioned home on the edge of the city, close to a colourful reef. The walls were tall and white, decorated with filigree and seaweed. It was hauntingly beautiful.

I looked down, lifting my hand. Shadows flickered at my fingertips, looking like black fire against the cool blue of the sea. I had tried to contact Rhys countless times using the bond, but it felt stretched and taunt, as though it was being pulled to it's limit. I just wanted to go home and be safe in his arms again.

My hand dropped, and the darkness faded away.
There was a knock at their bedroom door, and Aelin and Istraightened, both swimming into an upright position. "Come in," I said, faking calmness.

Tharion pushed open the doors, giving them a devil-may-care smirk. "Nimue, Pandora. The River Queen hopes you are enjoying your stay."

Aelin bowed her head, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "The house is lovely, Tharion. We can't express our thanks enough."

"Tell me," he said, floating into the room. His tail slashed through the water. "Have you heard of the two escaped prisoners from the surface?"

I felt Aelin tense beside me as my breathing hitched a bit. I kept my face schooled in calm confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"Two Fae females have escaped the 33rd Legion and are on the run."

Aelin faked a gasp, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh my! That must be terrifying. I hope they get caught and brought to justice."

"I do, too," he said. "Have you seen anything suspicious lately?"

"I'm afraid not," I replied, projecting false sincerity. "Though, we will continue to be on the lookout for anything."

"Thank you for your consideration," he said, and went to leave the room when I shouted at him.

"Wait!" I called. Aelin shot me a warning look. I wasn't playing it safe, talking more than nessecary, but I had to try. "I was wondering if you could do me a favour. Could I please have something to write on? And maybe a pen?"


I scribbled my message feverishly onto the sheet of seaweed as Aelin watched curiously over my shoulder. "Um, Feyre? What are you doing?"

"Rhys and I have this thing," I replied, not taking my eyes off the note. "Whenever he was away, we could communicate through our bond, and notes. We could send them to each other. I don't know if they can travel across worlds, but..."

I read over the letter. It was short, but all I needed to say.

We're safe. We'll be home some. I love you.

I folded it in half, waiting, then...

It disappeared in a swirl of shadow.



I lunged for Feyre as Aelin dragged her through the portal, my fingers just brushing it as the glow faded away completely. I fell to my knees, gaping at the now empty space before me.

"Rhysand," Helion murmured.

My head dropped, and I closed my eyes, trying to calm my rage. The mating bond was stretched almost to breaking point, as if she was-

A small note made of green parchment fell in my lap. I grabbed it, unfolding it with trembling hands. I almost fainted as I saw Feyre's elegant handwriting.

We're safe. We'll be home some. I love you.

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