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"You're cute."

Suna walked away, and Y/n's autopilot mode dragged her to trudge behind. "Don't play with me like that Suna."

"Oh? Where'd the formality go?" He smirked at her to receive a cold glare back.

"You get it back when you're nicer."

He laughed at her yet again, but she couldn't bring herself to smile. If you realize how much it's starting to hurt now would you stop? She shook her head. Not like I want you to.

"Hey let's try this one." He pulled her by her wrist into a random store which she didn't have time to look at the name, but inside was filled with various things from clothes to shoes to books as well. "Pick what you want and let's see."

Y/n was mesmerized. She drifted between racks of colored clothes from dress shirts to ripped jeans. It seemed like it had a hundred different styles waiting to be combined in different ways. Wonder filled her eyes that scanned for so much yet nothing in particular.

"Hello there!" Y/n looked to her left to see one of the employees talking to her, so she bowed in his acknowledgment. "Are you finding everything alright, Miss?"

She nodded and said in reply, "Yes everything is wonderful. I don't need any help right now but I'll be sure to ask if I do."

Then she walked away, but the employee she had talked to suddenly seemed to be near wherever she would go. Checking out a book in a series she liked, there he was in the same isle. More encounters happened and Y/n got nervous.

She had ended up with a couple of shirts from groups she liked and a mystery novel she had yet to read, so the girl walked to the checkout to leave as soon as possible.

"Hey!" Y/n flinched at the voice right beside her. "Y/n-san it's just me- are you okay?"

Suna was staring at her, more jumpy than usual. "There's this person who keeps staring at me and it's scary..."

"Honestly you- where."

She gestured with a nod in the general direction of the employee and soon enough she felt the boy beside her go rigid. "Well what's he doing Suna-san?"

"Forget formality." Still staring at the employee who hadn't moved, Suna slid closer to her to wrap his arm around her waist. "Sorry 'bout this but hold on for a few seconds, okay?"

She nodded, letting him stand close by her. When she felt his arm go away, probably back to his side, then Y/n looked at his face to see he was looking at hers. "W-well what happened?"

"Just another creep, he left though."

She sighed in relief and while Suna felt a story behind the incident, he didn't ask. Maybe another time, but now wasn't right. Still he couldn't stop glancing back at Y/n to make sure she was okay, not checking would worry him.

What about you is just so addictive? He allowed himself to think. That gives me a hard time too.

"Rintaro-san we should meet Atsumu-san and Osamu-san at the food court for lunch. Do you need anything before we go?"

With a quick shake of his head, they turned to the food court to wait for their friends. Whatever tension seemed to always be between them had eased just a bit somehow, and it was refreshing.

"Y/n-sannnnn!" Atsumu came with Osamu, while the blond waved frantically the other tried to stifle the embarrassment he felt.

"Atsumu-sannnnn!" Y/n called back and the four met up once again. Atsumu looked at Suna with a heavy question in his eyes, but he got no response so he felt slightly stressed, but with his trust in Y/n he let it go. For now.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Osamu said, cutting the silence. Y/n shook off her worry yet again as she debated what to eat or rather, what not to eat.

"I'll have western food from that place over there!" Atsumu pointed to a stall and Suna agreed to that as well.

"Osamu wanna show Y/n-san something since you're better with food?" Suna asked and his friend nodded with a red color spilling onto his cheeks.

They split up once again, though differently now.

"We haven't talked a lot have we Osamu-san?" Y/n smiled up at him.

"You're right," he sighed slightly. "Well, what would you like to know?"

"Hmm..." Y/n thought hard. "Well you're really handsome and strong, so I wonder at school why you aren't so popular."

This girl always knows exactly how to make me feel confident and weak at the same time doesn't she? "W-well I guess I'm not as sociable as Atsumu as much as I hate to admit it. So it's more myself rather than others."

She nodded, understanding. He asked her now, "Well then I could ask you as well. You're p-pretty and smart so why aren't you more popular?"

Y/n looked at him and saw him turn his head to hide the embarrassment of a slightly bolder statement than he'd make usually, and though she knew he liked her already it still felt like a secret between them only.

With a soft laugh she replied, "Well sadly you seem to be the only person other than maybe Shinsuke who sees me as pretty, so there's your answer right there."

Osamu felt a boiling jealousy for this mysterious 'Shinsuke' before quickly realizing that it was Kita Shinsuke she meant, her older brother. But it reminded him that it wasn't just him, there was...

"Suna." She flinched. "Doesn't he think you're pretty too?"

There was no tone of hate that he spoke, just a strange curiosity. Just like Y/n would say.

"No- Yes- Maybe? No. It's complicated." She huffed and Osamu smiled at her expression. 

God, she's gorgeous.

"Hey, let's go here they have great choices." He showed her to another stall with regular Japanese street food which smelled twice as heavenly as the pictures showed.

Her eyes shone at all the options and then... she chose the least flashy of the options. A three set of various onigiri.

And at that moment, Osamu knew that if a girl would be so similar to himself would choose the one thing he liked more than volleyball on her own when presented with so much more, she was the one.

Then he realized how childish that was and cringed inwardly at his own thoughts. He made the same order in the end, so it didn't really matter.

They chose a table to eat, with Atsumu and Suna not back just yet, Osamu felt like he should ask her one thing before they did.

"Y/n-san about Suna." He felt his stomach knot as he formed the words. "If you really like him you should go for it. I'll bet you both would be happy."

Y/n blushed a scarlet as deep as Kurapika's eyes. "How'd you-"

A familiarly lazy voice cut in. "How'd he what?"


Slightly shorter chapter sorry guys!

I didn't add texting this time (again) but it's because next two will be entirely texts.

Yes, I've been preparing.

See ya!

Saishimi 💜

"Ew Feelings" - Suna Rintaro x reader CHATFICWhere stories live. Discover now