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Y/n felt like a feather in that moment. The second the deadpan volleyball player had bent down to kiss her she immediately felt her heart squeeze, then lift off. And Suna, who was far from the person who craved for every trace of physical touch, felt a warm sensation spread throughout his midsection.

If you were to ask if they had liked each other in that moment, would they be able to say no truthfully?

The answer was clear.

They could.

Because after the light feeling in Y/n came a tsunami of guilt crashing down on her. And as bold as Suna had acted a mere ten seconds ago, the warmth felt frozen now. The on and off of a forbidden, guilty pleasure was thrilling. It seemed contradictory but they both had their reasons for so.

Well, they shared one.

The team. Specifically the twins and Shinsuke.

The first thing Suna'd thought was: What the hell am I doing. What about Osamu, huh? And yet for some reason unknown, he couldn't bring himself to pull away. Rather, he started to smile right into the girl's lips. The very lips that were so soft and sweet, like a fruit jelly that was filled with addictive substances leaving you unsatisfied despite all the desperate tastes.

And they might not have stopped for a while, had they not heard a boy's voice say, "Oh my freaking god-"

At once, Y/n's first instinct was to open her eyes at once, and she slapped in front of her like a defense mechanism. Unfortunately for Suna, the boy who was just a half second too late, he got whacked across the face and his head whipped to the side from the contact.


"Suna are you out of your goddamn mind?!" Atsumu strode up to the slightly taller boy and whisper-shouted frantically, waving his hands about for emphasis that wasn't needed. "You know about Osamu and you really want to play with the captain's sister?"

"Atsumu-san-" Y/n tried to interfere, feeling extremely bad.

"Oh my gosh, Y/n are you alright? Did he do anything else to you? Should we report him?" Atsumu abandoned his lecture to Suna to rush over to the girl who was staring at them with a fear in her eyes. Whether it was from the fact that Suna had stolen her first kiss, or the fact that a not-so-deep part of her was relieved he had.

"D-Don't be m-mad at S-Suna-san." She hid her face, and her tone was so soft that Atsumu had to lean closer to hear her again. "It was m-"

"An accident." A deeper voice spoke. Suna. "Clumsy little girl here tripped and pulled me down by accident. You legit always walk in on the worst moments, Atsumu."

His face was still unconvinced, but with a glance at how both of them were shifting away from each other, Atsumu's stress was slowly receding. "You two- ya know what? If you guys resolve this before 'Samu finds out then I'll let it go. But it's gonna be an issue. First, Suna don't lead Osamu on at all that nothing happened just yet. Y/n, you'll have to please keep a bit of distance from the VBC while we sort it out okay?"

They nodded, but Y/n had a question. Scared to speak out at once, she sort of awkwardly raised her hand. Atsumu saw and sighed. "Y/n, I'm not a teacher or anything. Go right ahead."

"Okay." She lowered her hand and Suna snickered, earning a second hit. This time from Atsumu. Shooting a quick glare at him, Y/n continued. "Why do we have to protect Osamu-san specifically?" 

Suna and Atsumu shared a look, as if debating whether or not to tell her. Then arguing at themselves, as if to almost say Yeah, why does Osamu have to be the focus? When it looked like they had reached an agreement, Atsumu allowed Suna to speak with a nod.

"Ew Feelings" - Suna Rintaro x reader CHATFICWhere stories live. Discover now