Lost and Found

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Th-thanks Dr. Reid.” You spluttered out a thank you and drank your water down. Reid went back to going over the geographical profile while you went over the rest with Hotch, JJ, and Derek.

“The unsub seems very organized and definitely can't be any older than their mid-twenties.” Derek went over again. You guys were stuck and a child's life was on the line. 

“We know that they don’t have well enough social skills to interact with people their age so they’ve downgraded to children,” JJ grumbled, you could tell by the sound of her voice that she didn’t like how things were going as of now, you haven't learned anything new. 

When it hit you.

“Wait,” You say aloud. Everyone turns their heads to look at you. You swallow the now thick lump in your throat, then speak. “Out of all the big houses, one stood out to me. It was a small ranch-type home, very different from the rest, very quaint. It didn’t look like someone lived there but I didn’t say anything about it.”

“Y/n Everything is important, even tiny details like that matter,” Hotch said clearly aggravated but he tried to hide it knowing it’s your first day and first child case like this but you appreciated it nonetheless. Agent Hotchner pulls out his phone and dials a number then puts it on speaker. 

“Garcia I need you to look up every address that's in Berkshire Circle.”

“I’m on it head honcho,” she says with enthusiasm. As Derek sits next to JJ he chuckles. You look over and smile at him.

“Ok, as of right now Jeremy and Jacqueline Seeber, mother and father of Jamie Seeber live in 2318. Joji and Akina Lin, mother and father of Teshima Lin live in 2316. Noah and Amie Castro, mother and father of Eric Castro live in 2317, and James and Nikole Tanner, mother and father of Aaron Tanner live in 2321. As of currently nobody lives in 2319 but the house's mortgage still gets paid by an unknown source, the check comes from a no-name bank account.”

“Can you find out when the last time somebody did live in that house?” Hotch asks. 

“About fifteen years ago the Russell family lived there, in 83 they had a little boy named Braden, they lived there up until 92 when the father Michael Russel was convicted of second-degree murder for murdering his wife Lindsey, he’s now serving 20 years at Whiteville Correctional Facility, the year the dad was convicted Braden was supposed to have gone off with his Uncle, Eric Russel. He now lives at the end of the street as Eric Lipton with wife number 3, but Braden dropped off the face of the earth, there's no trace of him. I’ll continue looking and let you know when I find something.”

“What about those three bigger houses at the end of the street Garcia?” JJ includes.

“Okaaay give me a sec.” She says after which follows fast typing on a keyboard. “The first big house belongs to Mr. Eric Lipton age 59, older brother to Michael Russell, second belongs to Mr. Michael Ferguson age 56, and the last one by the church belongs to Mr. Robert Banks.”

“Thanks, Baby girl. Let us know if you find out anything else” 

“Will do, my favorite profilers.” she beamed and then hung up with a click.

“Alright Re-” The ring of his phone cuts him off and he answers it. You all look at him waiting to find out whatever the call is about. The silence in the room goes on for about thirty seconds before he hangs up the phone.

“They just found another body, one of the missing children in the forest, ” Hotch announces with dismay.

Your body shuddered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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