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It's a Tuesday morning you're supposed to start sometime this week. They'd give you a call is what Director Strauss said.

Sitting on your couch listening to the news you scroll through instagram til the knock at the door throws you off guard. Tossing your phone to the side as it landed with a soft thud on your sofa.

You get up strolling over to the door of your apartment when another knock sounds at the door. Putting a little more pep into your step you walk a little faster, after reaching the end of the hallway and the door you take the chain and take it from its place before finally unlocking the deadbolt.

Immediately after opening the door you're picked up in a tight hug like grasp and twirled around.

"There's my baby sister." That voice calms your nerves immediately and you relax in the thought to be strangers' arms.

"Deherek!" You chuckle holding onto his neck as you go around.

"What, I can't miss my favorite sister," Your eyes widen at his statement and you let out a gasp.

"Morgan." you chuckled. "How many times do we have to go over this, we're not even blood related. Not just that but your sisters would kill you if they heard you say that. "

"So, what does that have to do with anything?" he smirks, "You practically grew up at my house Y/n." He bantered shutting the door with his foot.

"Yeah babysitting your annoying punk ass." You sassed. Derek raised that peaked eyebrow of his at your sudden outburst. Then he smirked.

"Oh Honey, you know who else's missed you?" You looked down at him but cocked your head to the side confused. He lowered you till your feet hit the floor, lowering his head to your ear he whispered.

"The tickle monster." Your blood ran cold.

"Derek, No. I'll- I'll tell mom." You tried to step back but you were trapped in his arms.

"Well mom's not here to save you is she?" The anticipation along with the steadily rising giggles in your chest from his words were building. You hated when Derek got like this, he was a mean ler, but you thanked god he didn't know you liked it.

You knew Derek loved to torment you, always has.

"Derek, No!" You shouted. Pushing at his chest playfully but firmly.

"Don't fight it Y/n, we've both missed you and we outnumber you." He smirked.

With you in his arms he walked the both of you over to your sofa and carefully but swiftly tossed your body on to it. You tried sitting up but he pushed you back down, he then tosses his leg over and straddles you. He takes your arms and tucks them under his knees pinning them to your sides.

"Derehek stop, this doesn't even work on me anymore." You fuss at him.

"Do what Y/n? I'm not doing anything." The smile on his face causes the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. He then rakes up your peach colored tank top up a bit then speaks.

"See, your tummy's missed us." He lightly scratches his nails over your tummy sending goosebumps up and down it.

"Deheherek please." You begged.

But he ignored your pleas. "Please dohon't." You shivered as his nails trailed down your sides.

"Don't what honeybee." He said with an innocent smile. God the nicknames, why'd he have to do this to you, you thought.

"Tickle mehe." When those two exact words left your mouth you knew that you'd fallen into his trap. "No, Wait!"

"Too late." He grinned and the onslaught began. His hands attached themselves to your ribs and you thrust your chest upward only giving him more access. "Sweetheart, I know I've already got your ribs, you don't need to give them to me."

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