Rough Start

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Derek lightly pushed you forward and up the stairs towards the meeting room. After entering you noticed that Elle, Reid, and JJ had taken their seats and were going over a case.

The two older seeming gentlemen sat at the round table as well one talking about the case to the rest of the team.

"Alright we've got four dead children and one currently missing in Tennessee, from what I've read this unsub doesn't abduct them from their homes."

"Their home life has to have something to do with the unsubs past or he has something against the parents for causing it," JJ says looking over the pictures

"On all of the deceased's bodies, there were definite signs of sexual abuse, assuming the unsub raped them while he kept them."

"There was severe trauma done around the head and neck and genital areas meaning they were tortured."

"Where did the trigger start? There must've been something traumatic for this much anger to be present. He must hate the children an awful lot."

You leaned over to Derek and whispered to him.

"How do they know it was the unsub?" You ask him, a sudden shutter in your voice.

"He probably hates them for having what he never will," JJ comments looking at the children on the screen.

"These kids were bound and looks as if they were burned. The boys he's taking range from 7 to 13. So we're probably looking for a male in his mid to late twenties."

"Do we know when he strikes?" Derek asks, disregarding your question.

"He seems to be taking them on the first Friday of every month, we think he's going after them when they get off the bus to walk home. The stop is a couple minutes from each of the children's houses."

Before you could stop yourself from interjecting you butt in.

"So he's taking them in broad daylight. Is anyone seeing these kids go with him or seen them get into a car with someone? He's gaining their trust somehow." The room stops and things go quiet. The seemingly whiter man almost glares at you but continues speaking to the rest of the team.

"Everyone of the children has told their parents they're going to a friend's house and none of them come home the next day."

You turn to Derek and your hands are slightly shaking, the mentions of these things being done to children scare you along with the fact that you feel out of place" Derek I don't know if I-"

"Aaron." Director Strauss states interrupting your thoughts as she enters the room. The older man in the suit looks up at her then back to everyone else

"We'll go over it more in the jet. Wheels up in thirty."

Everyone looks at Aaron then gathers their files and stands up leaving the room after he gives them a nod. As the rest of the team leaves he walks over to you, Derek, and Strauss.

"Y/n I'm glad you've found someone to show you around. Have you settled in nicely?" she asks, ignoring Agent Hotchner.

"Thank you director Strauss, and yes ma'am Derek's doing so, and so far I've got a pretty good idea of the place." You mumble out the last part looking back and forth between her and Hotch

"Good, are you working on this case? "

"I don't rea-"

"Erin I'm not comfortable with you throwing some rookie on my team without giving me a heads up or even consulting with me about it." The glare on his face is still very evident.

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