Chapter 30

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Four days later.

The two women were snuggled on a sofa as they watched a thriller movie in Chaeyoung's room. Mina's dark brown orbs were focused on the screen while Chaeyoung's light ones were glued to her face. Her mind was everywhere but the movie on the screen.

"Chaeyoung is staring." Mina said, hugging her knees closer as if embarrassed. The flashes of lights coming from the screen were hiding the tinge of pink that started to adorn her rosy cheeks.

"I am." Chaeyoung replied shortly before fully turning her head to the right where Mina was and inched her head closer to the woman. Her right arm was resting on the sofa as she cradled her head with her right hand.

"Ehh.. Chaeyoung, It is rude to stare at people." Mina said while bringing her left hand to Chaeyoung's face in attempt to turn the woman's attention back to the movie in front of them.

Chaeyoung held her hand in place instead before giving her palm a gentle kiss. She held Mina's hand and stroked it with her thumb without detaching it from her face. "Say, Mina. When will you be done taping your movie?" She said, looking at Mina seriously.

"Hmm..we have come to an agreement with Director Minatozaki to finish the taping as early as possible. It should be done in three months time." Mina answered the question which seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Then, the premier night could be six months from now." Chaeyoung murmured.

"Well, we have not discuss the matter yet, Chaeyoung. But that is probable." Mina answered, trying to remember what little she could, given that she really did not pay any mind to the project at all.

"Mina, Dahyun will be here tomorrow to pick you up." Chaeyoung announced, looking at Mina who pulled her hand away from her face and turned her attention back to the movie. A few seconds passed by and Chaeyoung had not heard a word from Mina.

"Mina, listen to me." Chaeyoung said in a soft voice, holding Mina's neck and turning it towards her to get her attention. "You can't stay here forever. You have responsibilities in Japan. You have a movie to finish." She said to Mina who just looked down without a word. "Hey, look at me. I'm not saying I don't want you here, okay?" She tilted the woman's head and looked into her Dark brown orbs which were glistening with unshed tears. "I'm just saying that we have things that need to be taken care of. I need to recuperate completely and attend to some things here. Mina, it's not safe for you to be with me now."

"Chaeyoung, are you saying that we should not -" Mina began but was immediately interrupted by Chaeyoung.

"No, Mina." Chaeyoung said, shaking her head. "That's not what I mean. I want you to go back to Japan for now and finish things. I promise to be at the premier night of your movie, okay? By then, I will be completely healed."

"You might just be saying that Chaeyoung." Mina retorted.

"No, Mina. I'm serious. I'll be at the premier night. You just have to tell me the date. I swear to be there." Chaeyoung said, looking at Mina who seemed to be giving it a thought.

"And if you will not show-up?" Mina asked.

"I'll never do that to you, Mina." Chaeyoung said seriously. "I promise that I will be there."

"I will take your words, then Chaeyoung." Mina turned her attention back to the screen.

"But you have to promise me some things, Minari." Chaeyoung said which caused Mina to blinked at her a few times. "You have to stop contacting me. No phone calls, e-mails, sms, and surprise visits. No any kind of communication."

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