Chapter 16

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The two women were now queuing inside a coffee shop. The young director decided that fine dining was their last option at the moment and she had to feed the superstar pronto. Luckily, the universe conspired and they were only a customer away. The coffee shop was also not that much crowded with only a few patrons occupying the plush sofas situated inside.

"Hey, will salad be fine with you?" Chaeyoung asked Mina  to her left who just nodded her head in agreement. "Iced tea or hot? I think they have green tea." She further inquired in a volume loud enough for her companion to hear but not for the other patrons.

"Hot." Mina whispered to her left ear sensually before continuing. "Green tea. Venti." Then, withdrew herself and stood calmly beside Chaeyoung.

"O-okay." She stuttered as she gulped visibly and tried to will down the upcoming blush. She casted her light brown  orbs in front just in time when the customer before them finished her transaction.

"Welcome to Starbucks!" The cheerful attending barista chirped. Her eyes fell on emerald orbs and all professional behavior was tossed out of the window as she leaned towards Chaeyoung. "May I take you, Ma'am?" she shamelessly drawled in a seductive manner as she bit her lower lip and let her eyes roamed over Chaeyoung's body like the act would undress Chaeyoung in front of her.

"I would love…" Chaeyoung played along seductively in her husky voice as she leaned closer to the attending barista but before she could continue, she felt a not-so-gentle pinch on her left side. "Ow." She turned towards Mina  who was obviously glaring behind those dark glasses as ominous aura started to emit from her. The woman started to remove her dark glasses but was halted just in time.

"Don't do that, honey." She said pushing the dark glasses frame back with her free left hand before wrapping her left arm around Mina's  waist and pulled her a little closer to her. The gesture effectively calmed the woman which made the young director sighed in relief. She faced the attending barista once again, all playfulness set aside. "I want large salad, Venti hot green tea, and Venti Caffé Americano. All in quantity of one. Dine in." She finished quickly.

"That's one large salad, one Venti hot green tea, and one Venti Caffé Americano." The barista reiterated as she punched the order on the touch screen machine in front of her, albeit a little frustrated when her advances was quite ignored. She regarded the young director again. "That's 8.85 dollars in total, Ma'am."

"Here." Both women held out a platinum debit card simultaneously, making the barista blinked her eyes at the them with confusion.

"Here. Take mine. I made the order." Chaeyoung said as she held out her platinum debit card, dismissing Mina's  offer.

"Alright. Here's your card, Ma'am." The barista said after swiping the card, holding it out to the young director again of which the latter took. "Please make yourself comfortable. We will be serving your order in a moment. Thank you for patronizing Starbucks Coffee!" she finished merrily, smiling at the two women in front of her.

"Hey, what was that for?" Chaeyoung looked at Mina to her left as they started treading towards a vacant spot near a glass corner.

"I was just trying to make you get our order fast. You seemed to be distracted a while ago. I thought you might have forgotten the real reason why we are here Chaeyoung." Mina  replied, hidden dark brown orbs were glancing at the young director to her right.

Contrary to what she was saying, she actually felt something uncomfortable at the pit of her stomache the moment the young director flirted back. If her glare could melt down the not-so-innocent barista and make her existence vanished from the world, she would have been charged of murder. She was starting to become unhealthily possessive of Chaeyoung's attention in just a short period of time that she had known her.

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