Chapter 12

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Mina  woke up to the soft sound of someone's breathing beside her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and two dark brown orbs peeped. She wiped away the sleep in her eyes to focus her vision. She was presented with the sight of Chaeyoung's serene sleeping face upon tilting her head up which was resting on the young director's left shoulder. She blinked her eyes a few times in an attempt to make herself lucid of any hallucination.

She shifted in her position, right elbow on the pillow thus, elevating her head a little, before slowly lifting her left arm and tracing the young director's feature with her finger. Starting from the latter's forehead down to her nose. "I must be dreaming…" She whispered as she continued tracing the young director's face until she reached the latter's soft lips where she felt warm breath coming out. "for Director Son will never wish to be near someone like me." She said with sadness laced in her voice as she looked at Chaeyoung's face.

"Like what, Mina ?" Chaeyoung suddenly spoke, surprising the superstar in the process. Slowly she opened her eyes and light brown orbs stared at the startled dark ones.

Unbeknownst to Mina , Chaeyoung was already awake even before she did. Mina  was about to withdraw herself but all her movements were halted by Chaeyoung. The latter wrapped her left arm around Mina's  see-through clad body, making the latter hover above her. Mina's  left hand was left planted on her right shoulder.

Right then, a clearing of the throat was heard from the direction of the door which was a few feet away from the king-sized bed's direction.

"Shit." Chaeyoung muttered, recognizing full well the voice of the person entering. How she wish that the earth will tear apart and swallow her existence in.

Emerging from the door was the editor-in-chief followed by the same escort who met her the day before. Her aura of elegance and style betrayed her age. No one would ever think that the infamous editor-in-chief of Paris' top fashion magazine was already in her mid sixty.

"You really love meeting me while you are in such compromising position, young lady. A simple bonjour will do in my opinion." The editor-in-chief, who was clad in a stylish outfit befitting her status, greeted in French as she entered the spacious hotel room.

"I can explain that." Chaeyoung spoke to Mina whose slim eyebrows rose upon hearing her grandmother's way of greeting the young director.

"Director Son does not have to." Mina  said before completely withdrawing herself from the young director who was left with no option but to let her go.

Chaeyoung released a sigh before sitting up and facing her guest. "Good morning, Madam M." She greeted in French.

"You may wait for us outside." The editor-in-chief commanded the escort who obediently followed. She discarded her oversized black hat and shades, revealing chestnut and dark brown orbs. Gracefully, she walked towards the small living area where a few plushy couches were set. It was a few feet away from the king-sized bed and just a few steps from the doorway. "I would love to return the pleasantries if only you are not with my lovely granddaughter in the same room for quite some times. Not to mention in a position I least wanted to be a witness of." She said, giving Chaeyoung an inquisitive look. A look that commanded an immediate answer.

"Lovely morning, grandmother." Mina  interjected in her pleasant French accent as she sauntered towards her grandmother who was in the process of putting down her hat and glasses on the sofa. "I can assure you that nothing of what you are thinking happened between Director Son and me." She said before giving her grandmother a warn hug which the latter reciprocated.

"I am afraid I have to disagree with her." Chaeyoung said with all seriousness in her voice as she sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed while facing the two women. "If I am not mistaken, I kissed her last night." She said, looking at Mina  who looked back at her like she had grown another head. Her left arm was placed on her crossed legs as she leaned forward in anticipation of the superstar's retort. "or was it this morning?" She continued rhetorically as if she was unsure when no retort came.

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