Chapter 7

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Chaeyoung  was on her way out of her living quarter. She did a last minute check to ensure she did not forget anything. "Phone. Check. Keys. Check. Alright, good to go." She made a quick turn from her bedroom, passing a glance at the curvy swimming pool on her right before ascending the five flights of stairs. The memory of yesterday's unfortunate event still not lost to her as a small frown marred her beautiful feature. "No. It's too early for that." She muttered as she shook her head like the act will drive the memory away. She breathed a lungful of air before releasing it again, preparing herself for the long hours of taping ahead. She was a director because she loved doing what she was good at. She was doing it for passion above all else. "Let's get the camera rolling!" She cheered before finally going out of her living quarter.

The sight on the hallway made her halt in her movement. For there stood near the Wing A entrance was Mina  who was once again heavily clothed but this time it was the color of white. She was wrapped in white stylish coat that flowed down below her knees. A white oversized hat on her head and a pair of dark eyeglasses was held in her right hand. Her stylish fashion screamed sophistication and fabulousness, putting to shame the young director's choice of clothing which was composed of skinny denim jeans that stopped few inches above her ankle and a loose white tee that was cut diagonally exposing her well-toned abdominal muscles and piercing. A pair of fashionable sunglasses was hanging on the low-neck of her white t-shirt.

Unbeknown to Chaeyoung, Mina was discreetly admiring the view of her exposed torso but the woman composed herself before starting her way towards the elevator.

Chaeyoung seemed to be pulled out of her ogling stupor when she noticed Mina's movement. She followed suit, walking a few steps behind Mina , not wanting to invade the woman's private space. The guilt of yesterday's event that she had pushed down a while ago started growing at her again.

The two women reached the elevator and Chaeyoung pressed the 'down' button.

"Say hello to an awkward elevator ride." Chaeyoung thought dryly as the elevator door opened with a ding. "How I wish I could just take the next ride but I can't waste my time standing here for god knows how long. That would be inefficient." She thought before entering the glass cylindrical elevator after Mina entered.

She went to the farthest arc of the glass-cylindrical elevator and leaned her back on the transparent glass wall. The elevator shut and her eyes  look at the only other occupant of the elevator. "Okay, this is more awkward. Why is she facing this way? Shouldn't she be facing the other way?" She mused when Mina did not move where she was the moment she entered the elevator a while ago.

Mina stood in the middle of the glass-cylindrical elevator, her eyes  were looking at the scenery before her as she held her dark glasses in her right hand.

Chaeyoung glanced at the screen display where the elevator will be stopping. "Great. Now, this ride will be longer than I thought. All the elevator floor numbers are pressed." She thought before casting her glance on the floor, finding it more interesting than anything else inside the confinement. Her boots tapping the transparent glass as she can literally see what was down there. "Shit! Good thing I don't have fear of heights. Is the architect of this building insane? Way to be considerate of those who pissed on their pants with heights." She rant unnecessarily as her slim brows furrowed. She was brought out of her rambling stupor when the elevator opened at the 26th floor, a ding was heard. Her eyes looked up to see the incoming additional loads.

"Good morning, Myōi-sama!" Two women greeted Mina , whose back was turned towards them, bowing their heads in the process like the gesture can be seen by said superstar.

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