Chapter 4

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A/n: Surprise update for you guys 😊. Hope you like it .
Btw I know michaeng shippers are having a hard time due to the rumors or what so ever. But please guys be positive. Let's trust our girls especially Chaeyoung. Let's support them all the way no matter what happens ❤️ Ignore or avoid negativity. Don't help the haters spread the rumors. Focus on supporting Twice. Thank you so much guys. FIGHTING!



Chaeyoung was seated in a fine dining restaurant in Tokyo with Jihyo sitting opposite her. Their mouth watery exquisite Japanese cuisine dinner was neatly laid on the table before them.

"Wow, Jihyo. How did you find this restaurant?" Chaeyoung asked grinning her manager. She was planning on just dropping by at the nearest McDonalds for some drive-thrus. With her busy schedule, she was not one who fancied visiting fine dining restaurants. Her main reason? They took forever to be ready and she needed her food fast and on the go. It wasn't a surprise that most of her food intake was from takeouts.

"I happened to know the owner." Jihyo replied shortly, a light blush adorning her cheeks. Before the blonde haired young director can further inquired she spoke again. "Let's eat, Chaeyoung. I'm starving." Jihyo retrieved a pair of chopsticks before starting to dig in. "Itadakimasu!"

"Hell, yes." Chaeyoung retrieve her own pair of chopsticks before starting to also dig in. "Itadakimasu!"

"Where else can you find the best Japanese food but Japan itself? Nothing beats the original." Chaeyoung can't help but to commend the exquisite taste of Japanese cuisine. It was true that it wasn't her first time to be in one of those fancy Japanese restaurants. Neither was she that deprived of Japanese cuisine. But the food that she was happily devouring now was beyond exquisite. Either this or she was just hungry at the moment

Her mother was in fact a half Japanese but whenever the woman tried to prepare food, they always turned out having no food at all with the rare occurrence of some unscheduled visit to hospitals' emergency room or if they got fortunate, just a few trips to the bathroom. The result was always a kitchen disaster.

After a few minutes of dining, Jihyo turned her attention to Chaeyoung who was now chugging down her dark caffeinated drinks with gusto. "Chaeyoung, I don't think it's healthy for you to be consuming a lot of those." Jihyo gestured to the dark coffee in the blonde haired young director's hand. "That's your third cup for the night. We've been here for like thirty minutes only." A small frowned marred the red haired manager's radiant feature as a hint of disapproval laced her voice.

"It helps me think, Jihyo. Calms my nerves" Chaeyoung replied as she took another sip of her dark coffee.

"Why don't you take tea instead? It's healthier." Jihyo offered a suggestion.

"Tea is boring, Jihyo. It tastes like roots or grass or whatever it is." Chaeyoung cringed as she remembered the last time she was forced to drink all the flavors of tea there was during one of her meeting with a tea-enthusiast Japanese producer. "Never again." Chaeyoung thought when chills ran down her spine as she reminisced the tastes of those tea leaves in her mouth. She retrieved her cup of coffee and emptied its content in an attempt to erase the taste from her mouth like she just consumed a cup of the offensive beverage.

"You should at least lessen your consumption, Chaeyoung. You're starting to get addicted to that. Before you knew it, you might not be able to go on a day without having that. The withdrawal effects aren't that good." Jihyo said, concerned for the unhealthy lifestyle of Chaeyoung in front of her.

"Can't promise you that, Jihyo." The blonde haired young director called for her fourth cup of coffee.

When she noticed the concerned look and the frown forming on the red haired manager's face which didn't have any intention of vanishing soon, she decided to relent to ease her for the moment.

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